Anonymous ID: 833695 June 27, 2020, 8:33 p.m. No.9772716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2792



Um, not very clear.


First, I seriously, seriously doubt that's Q's intention.


Next, Man fell at the beginning, and Christ Jesus redeemed His sheep by shedding His blood. However, there are false brethren among them that only appear to follow Christ, having fallen away from His Testimony to another "gospel" and another "christ". The reason they fall away to this deception is because they are really still the seed (slaves) of the Devil. They are as if "twice" dead.


Next, the Serpent was damned into darkness when he tempted the Man to sin. Originally, the Serpent was under the dominion of the Man ON EARTH, but because the Man obeyed him instead of taking authority over him, the roles were reversed. This was the first fall of the Serpent. From that point, the Serpent began to go before the throne of God in Heaven accusing the Saints (who also were born in sin since when Man fell, all his seed were sold under sin with him).


When Christ redeemed His sheep by shedding His own blood, having given His flesh to death, He then resurrected and ascended into Heaven, casting out the Dragon, that old Serpent, the Devil. This occurred because Christ had paid the debt of sin owed by His sheep, and there was no longer anything of which to accuse them. The Serpent lost all power to accuse, and was cast down to the earth to deceive his own into warring against the Saints, and by extension, against Christ Himself. That was the second fall of the Serpent.


Christ shall return bodily on that last day, and shall cast the Dragon (the Serpent) into the Lake of Fire along with all those having followed him against the Saints.

Anonymous ID: 833695 June 27, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.9772783   🗄️.is 🔗kun



However, that forgiveness is in the context of sin, not of political chicaneries. That forgiveness is found ONLY in Christ Jesus.


Even if they abandon their Dem party, but are still not in Christ, the forgiveness of John 8 has no bearing on them.


You are abusing Scripture and Christ's Testimony. That is blasphemy.


Keep the two separated. They want to leave the Democrats and join the other team, fine and dandy, but forgiveness is ONLY IN CHRIST, and it has to do with the condemnation of sin relative to one's eternal wellbeing. It does not have to do with leaving political erroneous parties. You are belittling the Gospel.

Anonymous ID: 833695 June 27, 2020, 8:58 p.m. No.9772913   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The fall of man happens twice. The first fall is up. The second fall is down.


You are the one that brought up comparisons to Biblical concepts. Fair game.


>Evil rises up to exhalt itself over good. Darkness expresses itself first before the Light. That’s the first fall…expressing >arrogance, greed, unkindness, hate, etc. towards others. It’s the swelling of corrupt thoughts. (leavened bread —> old guard)


And that is rubbish. Darkness did not "express" itself. Darkness was there due to absence of Light. And that was not the first fall, neither of the Man nor of the Serpent.


>But when light exposes this, the corrupt ways fall. Humility overcomes arrogance, generosity rises up over greed, kindness >consumes unkindness, and hate fails as it’s replaced with love towards others. (unleavened bread —> new guard/watchman)


That is completely leaving Christ Jesus out of it who Himself fulfilled all righteousness because MAN cannot do so.


>Second death. When the death in us dies. When the evil in us falls the second time.


Complete jibberish. Death doesn't die in us. Those in Christ, themselves die, not death. You are using the term "second death", and that has nothing to do with that about which you are speaking. You are speaking confusion.


Q did not mean that. If Q meant that, then we're all wasting our time here.