Um, not very clear.
First, I seriously, seriously doubt that's Q's intention.
Next, Man fell at the beginning, and Christ Jesus redeemed His sheep by shedding His blood. However, there are false brethren among them that only appear to follow Christ, having fallen away from His Testimony to another "gospel" and another "christ". The reason they fall away to this deception is because they are really still the seed (slaves) of the Devil. They are as if "twice" dead.
Next, the Serpent was damned into darkness when he tempted the Man to sin. Originally, the Serpent was under the dominion of the Man ON EARTH, but because the Man obeyed him instead of taking authority over him, the roles were reversed. This was the first fall of the Serpent. From that point, the Serpent began to go before the throne of God in Heaven accusing the Saints (who also were born in sin since when Man fell, all his seed were sold under sin with him).
When Christ redeemed His sheep by shedding His own blood, having given His flesh to death, He then resurrected and ascended into Heaven, casting out the Dragon, that old Serpent, the Devil. This occurred because Christ had paid the debt of sin owed by His sheep, and there was no longer anything of which to accuse them. The Serpent lost all power to accuse, and was cast down to the earth to deceive his own into warring against the Saints, and by extension, against Christ Himself. That was the second fall of the Serpent.
Christ shall return bodily on that last day, and shall cast the Dragon (the Serpent) into the Lake of Fire along with all those having followed him against the Saints.