Not a concernfag, this is what I am seeing…
Not a single college-educated, white, boomer I know has changed their mind about orange man bad
They only listen to and believe MSM, their echo chamber social media, like-minded friends or teacher's union type news in their inbox.
They are not going to do any research on their own
("too much work")
Impossible to ask them a question to get them thinking…so close-minded. We can't even talk anymore about anything even related like the virus. They are know-it-alls.
Something has to change or they will vote Biden
(already talking about it, maybe no dementia clips in MSM)
Make propaganda illegal again
Legally challenge/sue each MSM for every lie
Defund NPR until they stop lying
If you don't reach them on their own turf, then they are lost…
and it could be higher than 4-6% that never awaken