Binary interpretation of Flynn tweet. But it's not making sense.
Binary interpretation of Flynn tweet. But it's not making sense.
Ok, try try and try.
There are 3 stars.
There are 3 bars.
There are 3 colors (brown, dark red, bright red) dots.
These are the binary trials I've done. We get a set of characters. I discarded N/A characters.
My gut tells me this could be the characters used for pass/key when using steganography tools on the original flynn image.
Back when Q started posting on halfchan that's how I found out about Q. Saw some anons discussing the early breadcrumbs. Looked it up, never been looking back.
The IP ban range on halfchan prevents VPN posting, makes you wonder. Clowns cough clowns monitoring.
Thank you. I member u anon. Yesterday.
looking at columns we have 24.
Saving your sheet, I will go through columns and assign 0,1,2 to colors and see what we get.
I member you also anon, that's why I am trying to find a list of characters we can try with.
going with tenery anons sheet. We get alphabetic characters, I know that keys/pass for Steganography need special characters.
This looks like Psy-op. Teaching niggers and arabs the Modus Operandi to gang rape women.
Play stupid games with niggers play stupid prices. Women never learn though. Media and pop culture keeps bringing victims to their games.
>nobody cares if you like to watch ducks have sex with rabbits. It's your kink, bro. no biggie.
sounds like degenerate progressive commie talk.
God cares. Souls are lost, and leads to more suffering for good people.
In the end if not solved we will fucking purge the earth from the depraved.
I started with blocking in by 8 digits (dots) to see the binary. It just happened that there is 8x8x8 in a row. Total of 15 blocks. So I don't think the binary trial is bure goincidence.
It sure looks like binary is a worthy lead.
Now the crux, it's not so simple to figure out what represent a zero or a one.
Hence I tried all three combinations of
[brown] [dark red] [bright red]
My initial thought was simple, dark red looks like a bulb turned off. When it's bright red it looks like same bulb but turned on.
If it had only been those two colors, it would be easy Eeeeee-zeee.
One could also, think a bit of quantum bits here. It's retarded but maybe
dark red = 0
light red = 1
brown = 0/1 (the quantum factor)
Which makes the possible solutions (if my math is correct) 2^16 = 65,536
65k possible interpretations.
Lot of work, need to write a program.