Susan Rice is the obvious (and stupid) choice.
And in a more Pepe shade of green.
>Can anyone explain how to read this thing?
Horizontal is time. Vertical is frequency. Brightness is intensity.
When there is a lightning strike somewhere in the world the whole planet rings like a bell electromagnetically. The size of the cavity between the surface and the various layers of the ionosphere determines what natural frequencies (Schumann resonances) it rings at. Scientists monitor the ringing to understand what is going on with the space weather up there. The big blob was probably a thunderstorm in the vicinity of the receiver.
New-Age woowoo types think this has something to do with "collective consciousness" or the general "habbeningness" in the world. They're idiots.
>when itโs bright white in color, it has negative effects on my being?
Yeah, that means there is a lightning storm over your head.
Information, not energy.