back to back they faced each other. drew their SOr[W]ds and shot each other: TheM deMs so duM'D [] i'd be moar concerned 'bout [death blossom[s]]
and [Prison Hygiene]
back to back they faced each other. drew their SOr[W]ds and shot each other: TheM deMs so duM'D [] i'd be moar concerned 'bout [death blossom[s]]
and [Prison Hygiene]
Trump, like many of US - in muh opinion - look at WHAT the hoe-tards DO: and WE Agree - build the WALL [cage the violent tards that don't respect]
Mother<:>MATTER<:>Father (Logic)
Don't believe moi: Pinch yourself [until ] YOU [CHOOSE TO STOP]
or [kNot] :-)
PS Careful: Don't bleed-[OUT]
hoes use animals as an excuse to be sub-human "animals"
Thay'rreee [screw'd] (not in a wholesome way)