COVID19 is caused by the financial crisis of 2008
Which has steadily gotten worse since then
And when TPTB realized that certain European banks
Were on the verge of failing
They also realized this would cause a run on those banks
Because people's savings are NOT fully insured
The news about this would cause panic to spread
Causing cascading bank failures around the world
Business failures and bankruptcy of many nations
Trade would stop
Food shortages would lead to riots
Riots would lead to civil war
And since the war would spread worldwide
The end result would be the total destruction of civilization
No electricity, no more gasoline or diesel
No more vehicle travel
Widespread starvation in countries like the USA where agriculture depends on gasoline and electricity.
The end result would be a resurgence of civilization centered in Russia where millions still live a primitive agrarian lifestyle
And in China where hundreds of millions would d
But those in remote villages would also survive.
So, bank hours curtailed and branch closures to limit activity
Numerous relief programs to allow people additional credit or more time to catch up their payments,
Close down businesses that are to close to failure or too dependent on non-essential shipping.
Blame it on the common cold because some people get pneumonia from a cold
Hype it all up, stop international travel, send people to their home country and state if possible
Keep enough drama happening that nobody has time to think things through.
But then what? That is the really big question.
The Cabal wants one solution
But the USA has unique leverage in the ESF
And a President willing to use it.
This is the first of 11 videos. The next post gets into the Cabal plan
The Great >Reset
First of all they are lying to you
There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative.
The problem is NOT a consequence of the COVID crisis. There is no COVID crisis. It is all Kayfabe.
read the article to understand Kayfabe
There is no urgent need. That is more of the Climate Change tactics to force you to agree to their plan. The urgency was in March, and now most governments have things stabilized, but NOT fixed. Healing is happening, but like a patient in stable condition, there are still risks and much work to do. Trump's infrastructure program and other legislative programs will give the USA something VERY DIFFERENT from the NWO's Great Reset. And that cure will spread worldwide. The Cabal will be undone as part of the cure.
As the Great Reset propaganda program gears up, pay attention. There will be some people talking about an ALTERNATIVE to the WEF plan. Watch them. Do not assume that words like CAPITALISM mean what you think they do. Modern American Capitalism is the equivalent to Communism. It deserves to be replaced. But the WEF people still use Capitalism as a Synonym for Freedom. Their idea of replacing is not something you would want.
Best to develop new vocabulary, new ways to talk about things. Focus on what is right and good, namely the MAGA Infrastructure program. Tell them that the WEF and other countries must come on board with that. Make Britain Great Again, Make Iran Great Again, follow the MAGA example, etc.
Don't fall into the trap of using the old terms. Make it clear that the USA will never be a socialist country. But also point out that socialists promised many things that they never delivered. However, Trump has actually delivered on many of the promises of the socialists, because they are good business and good for society. A prime example is that Medical Insurance cannot refuse coverage due to pre-existing conditions. This is not socialism, because it is a KEY to giving people the choice of providers. If your provider hires corrupt managers, switch to another plan.
Don't let the left define the vocabulary that you use. Think it through and use clear explanations.
Some doctors are speaking out saying that facemasks are nonsense against viruses.
Package for Mr. Smith!
We'll just leave it here in the yard
Lovely package, all for you
The Egyptian priests figured out how to control reincarnation to a certain extent. They can reincarnate into a new baby in their bloodline.
The film The Skeleton Key explains a more Voodoo style technique for doing it.
Dolores Cannon
Between death & life: Conversations with a spirit
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