Good. You've discovered this place isn't actually filled with free thinkers and more with the type of people who yell at clouds and bicker over lawnmower brands. The thought of this all being a psyop to capture the most 'awake' among the population in one place so they'll have a nice list for when the shit goes down is probably too demoralizing of a thought for most. I've considered it. I've also considered that if this isn't what it claims to be, I have no real future anyway. So might as well stay.
Fuck I'm so sick of this fucking nightmare hellscape. The worst part is how they try so hard to make you believe you don't live in an Orwellian dystopia, when doing so only makes it look like more of an Orwellian dystopia.
>"We're your frieeeeeeeeeends"
>"Buy from usssssssssssss"
>"Buy this product"
>"Buy it now"
>"From us, your frieeeeeeeeeeeeends"
>soft piano music plays
>"We're Lincoln"
>"In these UnCeRtAiN tImEs, it's essential to provide for your FaMiLy"
>"Provide them a Lincoln"
>"Give them a Lincoln now"
>soft piano music intensifies
>"Do it"
The baker would probably add you to the notables.
>fighting with an ever increasing pool of job applicants in the new normal gig economy
Jobs I've applied for regularly reach 300-400 applicants. How tf am I supposed to compete with that for simple wagie crap?
We're going to have pic related rolling around patrolling major cities before this is all over. Cops will get so fed up that quitting en mass will just become the "new normal."
A lot of Nirvana was borderline unlistenable from a purely commercial perspective, I was always surprised they got as popular as they did. Probably also why you only ever hear the same 3 songs.
No, that's called shouting down opposition until they submit. Works great on easily-impressionable people.
And I stand by this could easily be some sort of Project Zephyr-tier honeypot and we'd never even know. But even if it was, my life would be shit whether or not I was speaking my mind or not so I might as well pretend Donald Trump is Batman.
>If it serves the agenda, it is supported; it is not banned
By that logic, there is no way in hell that David Icke would have a Netflix special if he wasn't some sort of cabal predictive programmer.
Sure thing, Dave.
Or, I've been lied to by everyone about everything my entire life and I won't believe a word I until damn well feel like it.
But you stay seething, Dave.
I remember when this happened, the MSM tried to paint it as "muh freedom fighters taking a stand against evil meanie Putin >:(" Well, we've seen what those "freedom fighters" do in countries where they aren't kept in check.
Yeah, I was raised in an ultra-liberal environment by 80% women. And at this stage, I'm not so sure letting wahmen do whatever whimsical thing pops into their heads with no consequences has been all that great for society.
I've been saying this from the beginning. Whole thing stinks of false flag.