Anonymous ID: 3fe87a June 28, 2020, 4:16 a.m. No.9774568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4591 >>4593 >>4604 >>4624 >>4731 >>4756

Morning anons. Been digging this morning to look at the UKs patient transfer policies and procedures after seeing cuomos comments. Looks like the UK followed the only take them if you can cope with them road. The procedures sound good on paper but as nursing staff myself I know for a fact if they put a covid patient in my home we would infect everyone else in the home. Our sister home took a patient and it ripped through the ward. The PPE procedures are not being followed by most home because we simply do not have enough of it. The masks and visors cause all sorts of breathing and vision problems over the hours so everyones constantly adjusting it and taking it off to breath. We're not allowed more that 1 mask per day, same one back on after break. The wards are boiling hot and showering/bathing people is a task that has made me faint a few times from dizziness. Nearly all homes are understaffed so everyones doing the work of 1-2 extra people for minimum wage for 13 hours straight. These places are hotzones for mass infection, the staff then take it home to their families and into the shops ect. Not sure what real infection numbers are atm but we still have false reporting. had a patient here that died on the operating table for a hip replacement (was advised against because of her age and weight) doctors put it down as a covid death. I've had 2 tests which came back negative but I had a really bad chest infection that lasted months in October and my chest has never fully recovered since, am now on ashma medication too. Any other careanons here who have more insight at their work places?

Anonymous ID: 3fe87a June 28, 2020, 4:25 a.m. No.9774614   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's an OAP mental health ward so they keep the temp turned up so they don't get cold, expecially in the evening and we've been having some good weather here too so the sun + the heating makes it like the Sahara when your moving around.

Anonymous ID: 3fe87a June 28, 2020, 4:30 a.m. No.9774632   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Everyone i talk to about covid I ALWAYS ask if they had the big sick in oct-dec. About 80% of people I asked did and all report the same symptoms. I can see why it kills off old people so easily