Anonymous ID: a73d10 June 28, 2020, 5:47 a.m. No.9775111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5154

I think COVID-19 is an entirely manufactured crisis. I've reached this conclusion after months of personal observation, research, etc.


Whoever attempts to use contagious illness as a "bioweapon" has many, many problems. How to control the spread, protect people you don't want to get sick, etc. We know that major governments and others have experimented on "bioweapons" for decades. Why would "they" reveal how they plan to make people sick?! I think "muh corona" is a total head fake. Sure some stupid virus was cooked up in a lab (with Fauci's help, apparently!), however, the "virus" was never and is never the REAL bioweapon. Whatever the REAL weapon is, the "elites" have ways to make sure they never get sick from it. We should really be looking at controlled electro-magnetic phenomenon [5G, cell phones (Remember Q posts about what C_A might be doing with those?), wifi, etc.]; pollution and sprays (geoengineering and factory emissions) and vaccines.


Vaccines are especially important to look at, imo. Frederick Gates was conducting ("coincidentally" of course!) a series of meningococcus vaccine experiments at the purported site of origin of "Spanish flu". Additionally, recent revelations by Judy Mikovits (co-author of Plague of Corruption) make the possibility of prior sensitization to "coronavirus" via vaccine injections a distinct possibility. Our own DoD has shown via its research on illnesses contracted post flu vaccine that flu vaccine increases the risk of coronavirus disease.


I was on this board when attempts to scare us with virus fears were made. Felt very C_A to me. I don't think viruses, in general, cause much disease. I think they are associated with various conditions but that our knowledge is incomplete. They seem like "detox programs" or "software updates" to our cellular machinery, but I don't think they usually cause disease alone. I think governments and agencies likely know this or other things I am obviously unaware of.


As for the EMF issue, I think EMFs can be used to change the behavior of organisms for sure. They can mess with DNA, cause pathogens to flourish, etc. The whole energy-matter interaction and waves seem super critical to understand in that regard. No less than Luc Montagnier has suggested we consider the implications of 5G getting rolled out and "muh corona".


Testing for a virus that may or may not be associated with a respiratory issue is a foolish errand, imo. That is how governments and agencies can continue to manufacture a crisis when there isn't one. I do not put it past them to expose people to a real pathogen or poison via testing. How does jamming a possibly contaminated swab to within millimeters of brain tissue (I'm guessing at distance) "detect" an illness. How about implanting some meningococcus or other bacteria while "testing"?