Anonymous ID: d737a6 June 28, 2020, 6:34 a.m. No.9775384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428

Exposing conservative ink for its failure to actually conserve anything.


I must say, I am very impressed with Nick Fuentes and his ‘groypers’ and the fine work they’ve been doing lately. They’ve been asking some very poignant strategic questions at TPUSA events.


They are earning a place on the ‘winning right’ by exposing conservative ink for its failure to actually conserve anything. I have heard that they have been able to summon up to 80 or so ‘groypers’ into each TPUSA event so as to monopolize the Q&A sessions. During each Q&A America Firsters asked questions ranging from Israel and foreign policy to mass immigration. Strategic booing was also successfully employed. At one event, Trump Jr’s girlfriend accused booing groypers of being ‘Incells’ which resulted in her and Trump Jr getting booed off stage. During another event Kirk accused questioners of being wacist for asking questions pertaining to Non white immigration. Charlie even accused them of having ‘anti Semitic motives‘ for questioning his allegiance to Israel. The question was a strategic success because it exposed Kirk as just another neo con Zionist shill. In the mind of a neo con, to even ponder whether the United States should give Israel over 3.8 billion dollars a year, or whether we should allow Jews to have dual citizenship is… You guessed it! ANTISEMETIC. Of course, name calling isn’t a cogent argument.


A few notable commentators on the more mainstream right like Michelle Malkin have also chimed in criticizing Charlie Kirk concerning immigration and other pertinent issues facing today’s global-homo America.


As to these pseudo conservatives, they think America is nothing more than one big mall ‘Mall of America’ and their overlords depend upon a continual influx of low iq herd animals to purchase cheap imported plastic trinkets and to buy into their vacuous ‘American dream’.


They think that America is little more than an ‘idea’ and that all people are interchangeable consumers. All they care about is the national gdp and tax breaks, and a steady stream of non white low wage serfs for their donors.


They are cowards, who hide behind ‘based negro‘ props like Candice Owens so as to appear what the left defines as “politically correct”.


Kirk, Shapiro, Crenshaw these and those of their ilk are all cringe worthy neo con hacks. They claim to be for free speech and yet they use leftist slander tactics and call for actual right wingers to be deplatformed. These grotesque posers allow trannies, fags, and other degenerates into their so called ‘conservative’ movement so they can virtue signal to the left how “tolerant” and ”progressive” they are. If these people are conservatives, then conservatism is meaningless. The mainstream American right has spent decades prostrating themselves before leftist slave morality and they assume many of the left’s value premises (equality = good etc) because they are by nature leftists. They accuse their detractors of being “ethno nationalists” (As if that were a bad thing) all the while brown nosing the state of Israel which itself is an ethno state. Nick Fuentes and his America First movement are doing a stellar job at exposing these Israel first shills.

Anonymous ID: d737a6 June 28, 2020, 6:39 a.m. No.9775408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5409


This is history repeating itself (weak and lazy thinking) this is the next step in their continued revolution against whites, TRADITIONALISM, Christianity and the American (white) people.

Anonymous ID: d737a6 June 28, 2020, 6:42 a.m. No.9775437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5468 >>5512





Israel and Zionism will never be condemned as a globally hated symbol like German nationalism or "Nazism" is to this day.


There will never be a de-zionistification brainwashing program to make Israel multicultural and allow the third world immigrants in.


Just more lazy patriotards goober nonsense devoid of reality from the likes of you.

Anonymous ID: d737a6 June 28, 2020, 6:45 a.m. No.9775454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5523


America is a rainbow flag now.


That's really all it is if these cucks can't get over this PC brainwashing.


That link right there explains in detail the mechanics behind the deception. It's a well thought out scientific manipulation.

Anonymous ID: d737a6 June 28, 2020, 6:49 a.m. No.9775486   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Still not an accurate analogy.


Zionism is never to be criticized or mentioned.


Israel is never the reason for wars (officially).


That's the difference.

Anonymous ID: d737a6 June 28, 2020, 6:55 a.m. No.9775527   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wrong. There is no positive propaganda towards Germany and nationalism (Nazism). There is universal demand through threat that you must support Israel.


This is undeniable and yet you are denying it.

Anonymous ID: d737a6 June 28, 2020, 6:57 a.m. No.9775544   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No. Believing my "lying eyes" and 70 years of hard data and no change whatsoever in their voting (including a vote on Trump in 2016).


Head up your ass much?