why is she not fired yet …..she speaks for the usa in the un….calling for war on russia…wow
never trust any lawyer either
right on i'd f…that ho too
Hey….Q…..stop with the reindeer games already….if potus gets whacked we are all screwed no public figure can be 100% insulated….use the big stick or loose it…..there is also talk of the generals not backing potus on pulling out of syria…..no bueno my friend…call martial law now and start executing people in the streets for treason….before its too late
i agree…….why wait and see if that happens….we need potus..we love potus..cannot afford to loose him
Q just nuke the golan heights oil field discovery…problems solved….no more fighting over oil….we wont gain anything from it anyways
you cant even take the battery out of new cell phones and laptops….coincidence??? these people need to hang
q fire nickey haley
Q….any general who is opposed to getting out of syria is not with you….