Just a bit of research on No Name https:// www.instagram.com/razanshalab_alsham/
The Sham in her name is curious tied to Q's mention of "no name" clearly she's not who she says she is, and the symbolism they use and the studies I have done into eyes closed and smiles and what the various contexts for babies and gold and white mean…. shadows and "lou's" - it's gotten so crazy I thought maybe Q was telling me to get back to my AB research because someone clicked a button 4 times on my ID here when replying which made me have this long convoluted chain reaction to connect this to that and maybe because it was on 4/4 when that text message that I got from a mystery person but then 4 also could mean April Showers which, crying when they realize what they did and I need to teach them? which brings may flowers and the Pope's problems in May?…… or maybe someone named "May" or maybe 4 is the Japanese word for death so I need to get back to my Japanese symbolism… maybe all of them! , even I start to think I'm crazy…. so long as it doesn't hurt anyone I think it's fine to indulge any idea for at least a little while but objectivity is a lost art on when to stop I think.
Anyway… back to work cause in the end I'll just do whatever I can to help and if I'm guided by something else I don't mind it so much cause I know I rarely can decide where to apply my talents when left to my own devices.