(Cohen) off ice was broken into this morning i think according to POTUS at 2:15min.
https:// youtu.be/O71V3jTcs24
https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/04/09/us/politics/fbi-raids-office-of-trumps-longtime-lawyer-michael-cohen.html
(Cohen) off ice was broken into this morning i think according to POTUS at 2:15min.
https:// youtu.be/O71V3jTcs24
https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/04/09/us/politics/fbi-raids-office-of-trumps-longtime-lawyer-michael-cohen.html
Fire m,ay have been a distrction.
(Cohen) office was broken into this morning i think according to POTUS (at 2:15min into video.)
https:// youtu.be/O71V3jTcs24
https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/04/09/us/politics/fbi-raids-office-of-trumps-longtime-lawyer-michael-cohen.html
Thanks…ball rolling fast and work a 9-5
Makes sense…that's where the SS come in
During the briefing today too, President Trump said he has been getting a lot of good answers on who may have done the attack in Syria
Oh for sure, if in the Tower
Thanks Xi…Let's make money great again and make both are countries great. We can play through business ethics
Thanks POTUS…America is no longer for sale, it's here for business. Bring back capitalism please
CQ might be Chongqing (may have already known)
Yep CQ is Chongqing…also it just became Tuesday EST
Is America going to help work on the Chongqing infrastructure building?
CQ may be buying a bunch more cars now that they are building out their infrastructure. Lower the tariff and let the USA sell some cars there too
Thanks for fighting for us POTUS! Economic nationalist here. I don't blame other countries for being the same
Thanks Xi, remember we had satanic pedos running our country and delivering propaganda to a isolated nation. We have not been well represented in a long time (until now)
Q: Are you going to walk us through a market crash? We participate in a clown system that we need to leave. It has to be done, but the blame game for the clowns will be deafening. We need free markets though, even if the patient needs serious chemo to get rid of the cancer
I pray you will thread the needle with the least amount of public pain that you can. Best of luck Patriots, we have your back either way.
https:// www.instagram.com/p/BUQBZoOFEwl/?taken-by=soccermouaz
I dont like Mouaz's friend's chicken shirt
(I see WV is doing it I guess…woot woot)