fake news bye bye
fake news bye bye
the forgiven repentant sinner….lives with the memories of their sins ..yet no hold on heart anymore…
the unrepentant seek destroy bury all reminders of ther past indiscriminations/sins…
spot who is who?
servitude …no different with fact true christian valued southern plantation owners…provided home ..servants/slaves ..could have family..raise own graden…supllied with medical care….no different than democrat version with welfare…but far more superior ..and qualified… well as the faith was picked uop by servants…many chrsitians come to be thru this process…….as with all walks of life there are the ones whom do need be slave to hav ethat happen…just look with unbiased eyes and see …
yet may not fit your change truth
propaganda …put a picture of a man (any race) doing horrid things…then us ethe color of their hair..the color of their skin……etc to claim all of that quality'are the same…..—-ism at its roots…comes from one with an neur-tic'd off biased and claiming ytheir fame…
bye bye fly
if want be anonymous…then yes
u really think gras is greener….new barbie doll goin make ur day….then join parler scam…draw them in…sort them out….
"FCK U""" seems be part o f her rant….police squirty pistol stopped her dialouge
remeber th eart we enjoy has nothing to do with the personal opinions of the said artist…..when it does 'false gods'run rampant….
false god = no good
'blanks for the cameras…roll em toll em …..
note;;;;;the art we do indulge in does affect our psyche..may be from somatic ill preexisting and is as such a sympotm of …or can cause somatic ill from long exposure….
consider all things….freedom is vast….liberty is vast….we build our own walls…remeber..
""""that which holds"""
freedom of speech
say it!
mean it!
take wht comes from it!
heart free = mind free = words free…..
let it happen!
dig the scene from there on..
no not same…twist to make seem so…dig in ..u wil find the difference…just dig in..propaganda big on this topic…widle thru find where u resonate…
they are upset due to theiur lack of faith ….cross is an image …worship no image….neurosis sets in to teh faithless…
no escaping the sorting…
u never stop writing to ur own posts….schitzo-poster -mania….
our messiah tells ..we shall worship in spirit and in truth…..our loving creator tells no worship any image..make no image…..
israel is a peopel ….not a land….
know ur bible..front and back..
and if no take time to know and post ..then duh! wht u be doin?
how u now Q isn't michale jackson or elvis?
really u =need loosen ur bias..and/or non understnding…u showing lack of intelligence….
all u need do is define christian as holy bible tells..origin of teh idea….and all solved…
christian = follower of the christ/messiah
define christ/messiah
all oin tha old book th eholy bible
read for self
decide for self
al be sorte dfor u