Anonymous ID: 7b2bd2 June 28, 2020, 8:45 a.m. No.9776461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6477 >>6502 >>6558 >>6599 >>6758 >>7084

Newt Gingrich: Memory holes, mobs, and Speaker Pelosi


The mobs which are mindlessly wandering the streets of America toppling statues and defacing monuments are reinforced by the academic mob which wants to cleanse libraries of books it deems inappropriate. One book banned by the academic mob is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Published by Mark Twain in 1884, it is widely considered the greatest American novel. But, of course, the illiterate bigots of the left destroy greatness out of ignorance and prejudice.


The ignorant mob defaces the Lincoln Memorial. In the name of supposedly fighting racism, they routinely defame the president who fought a Civil War, issued the Emancipation Proclamation, and fought for the constitutional amendments which codified freedom for African Americans..”


It is the ignorance of the mob which allows its members to smear American heroes and destroy the memory of key personalities in the rise of freedom. In Boston, the ignorant and the hateful damaged the statue dedicated to Col. Robert Gould Shaw and the men of the 54th Massachusetts. As anyone familiar with American history – or who has at least seen the amazing movie Glory – knows, Shaw organized the first regiment of African American volunteers and convinced President Lincoln to let them fight on the side of the Union. It was a courageous, radical action at the time – and incredibly controversial. On July 18,1863, Shaw was killed leading his men into battle at Fort Wagner. The flag bearer was an escaped slave named William Carney. It was this statue honoring both Shaw and the African American troops he had recruited which some ignorant barbarians trashed in Boston.


George Orwell, in his iconic novel 1984, developed the concept of a memory hole into which the government would pour all evidence that it did not like. As government policies changed, so would the material being cast into the memory hole. Most people think Orwell was writing about the Soviet Union, but in fact, 1984 takes place in Great Britain. Orwell was convinced that totalitarian methods would gradually overwhelm democracies, and freedom would be replaced by manipulated falsehoods imposed by the government.


When the Taliban blew up two gigantic Buddha statues, the world expressed outrage. Yet the barbarism of the mob in the United States is just as destructive of existing art and artifacts as the Taliban was. The left talks of changing Mount Rushmore, dynamiting Stone Mountain Georgia, eliminating the Jefferson Memorial, and renaming the Washington Monument.


The one-woman mob inside the Capitol, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, decided on her own to take down four paintings of Speakers of the House who had served the Confederacy. They will now be hidden in the Pelosi memory hole. There is talk of taking out a dozen or more supposedly inappropriate statues in the Capitol.


On the one hand, as a Republican, it would be symbolically ironic for left wing Democrats to take out statues of past Democrats (that is who the secessionists and segregationists were). After all, the four portraits Pelosi has thrown into the memory hole were three Democrats and one Whig. As the party founded to end slavery and save the Union, there were no Republicans who fit her criteria.


On the other hand, as a historian and a believer in the importance of historic artifacts, I think this whole cycle of mob behavior is dangerous to the fabric of our country.


Once ideological purity becomes the test of whether art gets to survive, the group defining purity gains immense totalitarian power. If slave owners must be banned from history, then what about those who fought to preserve segregation? If images of everyone who supported segregation must be banned from the Capitol, more than half of the Democratic leaders prior to 1960 would be gone.


President Franklin Delano Roosevelt worked with segregationists, refused to rescue Jews seeking to flee Germany, and locked up Japanese Americans in camps which later led to the United States government paying compensation for such a clear injustice. Should we remove the FDR Memorial on the Mall?


Once the memory hole game begins, and the mob tastes blood, this process of destruction can go on and on. People should study the French and Russian revolutions, the Nazi imposition of “purity,” and Mao’s Cultural revolution in China to learn just how destructive mob rule can be.


This is the summer to reject the mob and get back to civilized behavior within the rule of law. We must re-center America on liberty and justice for all – not control and vengeance by some.

Anonymous ID: 7b2bd2 June 28, 2020, 8:53 a.m. No.9776510   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Larry Elder: ‘Uncle Tom,’ the movie


On June 19, also known as Juneteenth, the celebration of the end of slavery in the United States, we released our film, “Uncle Tom.” It follows a young, black, Christian contractor, Chad Johnson, who was a long-time Democrat until challenged by a fellow Christian to read the platforms of the Democratic and Republican parties.


He did.


Johnson was shocked to discover that his support for limited government, low taxes and school choice, and his opposition to abortion on demand, made him a … Republican!


“Uncle Tom” explores the often-vicious blowback Johnson got from friends and family, let alone others, when he announced his conversion. Instead of Johnson’s evolution sparking a healthy discussion about which party’s policies better advance the interests of Blacks, Johnson found himself being called “Uncle Tom,” a “sellout” and a “self-loather.”


The film simply asks: “Why is there no respectful disagreement in the black community? Why are great black thinkers like Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and Shelby Steele ignored or marginalized by the black and mainstream media?” Despite impressive, decades-long bodies of work — columns, books and speeches — Sowell, Williams and Steele are completely unknown to many Blacks, and not just young Blacks.


Black conservatives do not attribute every major problem in the Black community to slavery and Jim Crow. Black conservatives do not believe that racism remains a significant problem in American society. Black conservatives believe the welfare state has incentivized women to marry the government and has incentivized men to abandon their financial and moral responsibility, a far bigger problem in America than racism.


“Uncle Tom” asks, why can’t these points of view be debated? Are Black conservatives any less interested in the advancement of the Black community than Black liberals? If not, why the vitriol? Why the derision?


The early reviews of “Uncle Tom” exceeded our wildest expectations. As of this writing, the movie site IMDb shows that over 350 viewers rated the film, giving it an overall rating of 9.7 out of 10. One hundred and thirteen posted written reviews, with all but one giving it 10 stars out of 10. (The one exception gave it a 9.)


“This may be the best documentary I’ve ever seen — I am a professional filmmaker. This is one of, if not the most important film of the 21st century. I do not say that lightly. Everyone has to see this. It’s truly life changing. It’s a film full of heart, victory, unity, truth, and true patriotism — You’ll never be so proud to be an American. Don’t pass on it.”


“This movie is like an alarm clock — Some people might not like what they are hearing when they watch it but that doesn’t change the fact that it is time to wake up. I applaud the courage, the genius, and the love and compassion that went into the making of this important film.”


“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to watch a wonderful film that rejects the victim narrative that the Democrats try and push on the black community. This film is so powerful and deserves so much positive recognition. I had high expectations for this film, and it EXCEEDED my expectations!!”


“A clean, wonderfully informative production. I was aware of some of the notions put forward in this film but by no means whatsoever was I ready to be immersed with just so much factually unequivocal depth! Truly eye-opening and fantastic to see such a diverse array of characters, each with their own insights and anecdotes. A straightforward and rather in-your-face approach to demolishing the left’s insistence on minority control. Superb production, cast and motive. Regardless of your political leaning, this no holds barred piece definitely gets the mind racing and questioning all that we are inundated with in the media.”


“This honestly made me cry. I cannot believe I didnt know this!!! The denigration of the black family by liberal supremacy makes me sick. Arent these the same people who control all of Hollywood, 95% of the media, and big tech. They have used violence and trickery to gain their power … my heart is aching!”


“A MASSIVE EYE OPENER! I’m a documentary junkie and this is one of the greatest I’ve seen. Extremely well put together, talking to some truly inspirational, intelligent, and motivated individuals who in my opinion holds the key to elevate Americans to the next level, regardless of race. Will be watching again.”


To see “Uncle Tom,” just go to Let me know what you think.

Anonymous ID: 7b2bd2 June 28, 2020, 8:59 a.m. No.9776571   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Realtor group drops ‘master’ as a descriptor of bathrooms and bedrooms in cleansing of America


Omg when is this insanity going to stop! What are going to call daddy and mommy room, what if your single, owners room


The wide-scale virtue-signaling now being seen in America to appease the woefully uninformed rage mob would be hilarious if the long term implications didn’t signal troubling times ahead.


The real estate industry in Houston, Texas, is eager to show its support for the left’s systemic racism narrative. So much so that the Houston Association of Realtors has discontinued the word “master” in favor of “primary” in describing master bedrooms and bathrooms, the New York Daily News.


After all, as the newspaper noted, “bedrooms and bathrooms are nobody’s master.”


“The Multiple Listing Service advisory group regularly reviews the terms and fields used in the MLS to make sure they are consistent with the current market environment,” an association statement said. “The updates to primary bedroom and primary bath were among nine requests for review that were submitted by members and considered at the most recent meetings.”


The term “master” suggests the person in authority, such as the head of a household, the employer of servants… or, if your feet are stubbornly planted in the 19th century, the owner of slaves.

Anonymous ID: 7b2bd2 June 28, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.9776651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6662



The twitter response on this are hysterical


Blackout battle brews for July 7 as boycott sparks counter-boycott


A social media campaign aimed at holding a nationwide economic boycott in the wake of George Floyd’s death has sparked a counter-movement.


The #BlackOutDay2020 boycott, set for July 7, initially called for people to only shop at black-owned businesses, but has now become a call for a shopping boycott for one day. Critics of the move and of weeks of Black Lives Matter protests are responding with suggestions for a shopping spree, instead.


“This movement is an awakening of the national consciousness of black people in America and abroad. We need economic solidarity in America amongst all black people unequivocally,” the group’s website states. “In order to break free from the chains of financial servility, we will organize days, weeks, months, and years if necessary when not one black person in America will spend a dollar outside of our community.”


“Black people alone account for an estimated 1.2 trillion dollars or more of spending in the economy annually. Together we have 3.9 trillion dollars in economic spending power. While we welcome allies who choose to stand with us, we make absolutely no apology for the fact this movement is FOR US & BY US,” the site adds, declaring that the blackouts will continue “until the system is broken and we have risen to power as a people.”

Anonymous ID: 7b2bd2 June 28, 2020, 9:14 a.m. No.9776727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6756 >>7084

OK I remember some fag here creating this, good job you got a comment from the DOJ


Funny they even had to address this!


DoJ says face mask exemption cards are fake as ‘anti-mask’ movement spreads


So-called “face mask exemption” cards being distributed by a group opposed to coronavirus-related mandates of mask-wearing in public are not genuine government-issued documents, the Department of Justice said in an alert earlier this week.


The card trend in question was launched by a group opposed to in-public mask mandates, the Freedom to Breathe Agency, which claims that the bearer is “exempt” from having to wear masks in public.


The cards reference the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), but the official government website outlining provisions of the law announced recently that the cards are “fraudulent.”


“The Department of Justice has been made aware of postings or flyers on the internet regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act and the use of face masks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of which include the Department of Justice’s seal,” says the site.


“These postings were not issued by the Department and are not endorsed by the Department,” the statement continued. “The Department urges the public not to rely on the information contained in these postings and to visit for ADA information issued by the Department.”


In an interview with NBC’s “TODAY” show Thursday, the founder of the group, Lenka Koloma, said the cards have never claimed they were issued by either the ADA or the Department of Justices, and that the agency and the law are only mentioned to “tell people the references under which they are protected.”


“The FTBA card was issued so people are aware of their rights,” she continued.

Anonymous ID: 7b2bd2 June 28, 2020, 9:20 a.m. No.9776800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6901

Maher blames white people culturally appropriating racism for setting race relations back a generation


Seriously convoluting discussion by a tool! So does that mean where not really racist?


HBO’s “Real Time” host, Bill Maher blasted Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff and other white liberals during his Friday evening show for racial activism he suggests may have become an impediment to improving relations between white Americans and people of color.


“Black people have to demand that white people stop culturally appropriating how mad they are about racism,” Maher said.


“It’s great that Caucasians have finally joined the fight for racial justice in unprecedented numbers, but hating racism the most? You can’t steal that,” he continued.


Maher, before leaving for vacation for the summer, ripped who he called the “Guardians of Gotcha” who are attempting to cancel people for “helping wrong” as the Black Lives Matter movement rises.

Anonymous ID: 7b2bd2 June 28, 2020, 9:27 a.m. No.9776842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7054

Dem Rep. Ayanna Pressley to Congress: ‘BLM is a mandate … It’s time. Pay us what you owe us


Far-left House Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley, a black woman, delivered a brief speech Thursday in which she called for America to “[p]ay us what you owe us.”


By “us,” she meant black people and by “pay,” she meant reparations.


Listen to the whole speech, or fast-forward to the :45 second mark:


The incendiary remark was part of a wider statement pertaining to the Justice in Policing Act, a police reform bill that’s been championed by Democrats.


FYI, Senate Republicans drafted their own police reform bill, the “Just and Unifying Solutions To Invigorate Communities” (or JUSTICE) Act, though it’s been ignored, downplayed, belittled and demeaned by their Democrat colleagues.


“Madam Speaker, I rise today on behalf of every black family that has been robbed of a child. On behalf of every family member that has been forced to see their loved one lynched on national television. Driving while black. Jogging while black,” Pressley’s speech began.


“Sleeping while black. We have been criminalized for the very way we show up in the world. Under the harsh gaze of far too many, my black body is seen as a threat, always considered armed.”



maybe when she took off the wig, she lost her mind. Who doesn’t think of SNL alien family when you see her picture? I wonder if hammering this issue to death is causing more racism, wouldn’t surprise that this was the goal