Ladies and gentlemen,
I think with this posting you should remove all doubt as to whether NeonRevolt is a traitor. His complaints about Trump's direction for the last few months were valid I thought, but then when the administration begins to take the right direction he suddenly has a holier than thou attitude.
When in the past has any administration listened to the people in any form? Now when he gets what he wants he's suddenly too proud to do anything. Ooh muffin. Cry harder.
Hey Neon, you pretend Orthodox Christian, pride is a sin. For good reason too. Trump ain't perfect, and neither are you, but when he takes the right steps towards evil, we should be at his side. This isn't about Trump or your soy fweeelings, it's about good and evil, and when he goes after evil and you oppose it, you show your true colours you miserable sniveling traitor.
By the way Neon, your manner of talk, your whining, and your demeanor has long made me suspect you have even less foreskin than Kushner. I could have sworn I saw you admit your true heritage a long time on your site too. Maybe some anons have a screencap of it?
Anyways Anons, take heed, unless he repents this guy's a rat through and through.