Anonymous ID: dd0d1c June 28, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.9776401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6692

Russia counters disinfo re. hiring militants in Afghanistan


Russia Foreign Ministry: NYT article on Russia in Afghanistan fake from US intelligence

The Russian Foreign Ministry pointed to US intelligence agencies’ involvement in Afghan drug trafficking


MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. The New York Times publication that Russia allegedly offered secretly bounties to Afghan militants for killing coalition forces was fabricated by the US intelligence agencies, Russia’s Foreign Ministry told TASS on Saturday.


"We have paid attention to another piece of fake news, launched in the media space by the American intelligence community, about alleged involvement of Russia’s military intelligence unit in contract killings of US troops in Afghanistan. That unpretentious fake clearly demonstrates low intellectual abilities of US intelligence propagandists who have to invent such nonsense instead of devising something more credible. Nevertheless, what else could be expected from the intelligence agency that has failed miserably in the 20-year-long war in Afghanistan," the foreign ministry noted.


The Russian Foreign Ministry pointed to US intelligence agencies’ involvement in Afghan drug trafficking.


"Should we speak about facts - moreover, well-known [facts], it has not long been a secret in Afghanistan that members of the US intelligence community are involved in drug trafficking, cash payments to militants for letting transport convoys pass through, kickbacks from contracts implementing various projects paid by American taxpayers. The list of their actions can be continued if you want," the ministry said.


The Russian Foreign Ministry suggested that those actions might stem from the fact that the US intelligence agencies "do not like that our and their diplomats have teamed up to facilitate the start of peace talks between Kabul and the Taliban (outlawed in Russia - TASS)."


"We can understand their feelings as they do not want to be deprived of the above mentioned sources of the off-the-books income," the ministry stressed.


On Friday, the New York Times published an article claiming that a Russian military intelligence unit allegedly secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition troops in Afghanistan.


think shifty bill Q said to track– preventing Mil Intel/evidence from being used, why?

Anonymous ID: dd0d1c June 28, 2020, 8:44 a.m. No.9776443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6467 >>6520 >>6621 >>6758 >>6836 >>6845 >>6933 >>7084 >>7113

“We've spent the last 3 years building some new technology we have not revealed yet…and when we turn that engine on, we're going to converse with 100-million Americans, without the media or social media in the middle” - Brad Parscale


wass he talkin bout anons?

Project Odin?

any ideas?

a new SM platform?

Anonymous ID: dd0d1c June 28, 2020, 8:51 a.m. No.9776492   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no doubt, i just started rereading the orginal map around Q132. explained in Q128


Graphic is necessary and vital.

Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.

Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.

Anonymous ID: dd0d1c June 28, 2020, 9:20 a.m. No.9776795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7123


you can get around that.

when signing up use an email, no phone # as you move along setting it up you can then get it to end you confirmation via email, it initially want to set you up via sms txt, but you can avoid and say i forgot and request code via email.


i was able to circumvent that phone # thing pretty intuitively.

Anonymous ID: dd0d1c June 28, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.9777085   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>1. Is there a specific reason why no VIP has been arrested for sedition?

Q i busy told me to do it.


>2. If sedition is known and provable, would not now be a good time?

Individuals action are known.

Conspiracy to commit involves many.

>3. If now is not a good time, what circumstances are lacking?

Proving conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.

>4. When POTUS uses the word "treason" repeatedly, and no is promptly arrested for treason, does that not indicate either a lack of power to defend the Constitution, or a false or misleading statement?

Not necessarily, he is merely saying he believes Treason was committed, as in his statement that he was spied upon, which was dismissed by many, but ultimately shown to have merit.

Potus makes his own decisions of disclosure, and has said he hopes it is addressed by DOJ.

His statements can be viewed in context of being a victim of a crime, not the investigator of said crime.

>5. We are being locked down again with no end in sight. Our children are being indoctrinated into a Marxist anti-white anarchist cult. Major corporations and public institutions are contributing tens of millions of dollars illegally to the DNC via Share Blue BLM funnel redirection. Nothing is being done to change this. Digital actions will not change this. What is your plan to uphold the rule of law beyond making Q drops?

Potus has resources available to protect our Country, however those resources do not include proper parenting and decision making of adults in our society. People need to accept accountability as to how we got where we are presently, this did not just occur in our society, it involves decades of systemic indoctrination, and people need to have the will to change by understanding how they made personal decisions which allowed the system to be undermined to the degree that it has. People must be shown is a important standard before justice is brought. If people fail to accept a degree of reponsibility then the solution will not last. For instance people trust the news, they trust media and entertainment, they trust tech enough to give children smart phones, do you think this trust has been misplaced? I will say that it has, that parenting has had alot to do with the problems we experience today. As people watch what is occuring, they can deduce how it has occured and will ultimately accept more responsibility with the goal of preventing society to be managed by those who do not have your best interests at heart.

>6. If you do not have a plan, would you object people who wish to defend the Constitution nondigitally to do so, as by a 30-day mass strike of productive tax-paying citizens from all labor?

Legal and Peaceful means are the right of citizens to address their grieveances, a pragmatic approach is always suggested as to not do more harm than good. Often times people protest against and attack systems that are not responsible for the root of the initial grievance. A effective approach would be to speak out against Policies which hram the fabric of our society and the tools used to effect such things. Hollywood, entertainment, fake news, tech dependencies (smart phones), political activism in sports, business and many arenas in which neutrality should be preserved. Having ill conceived and many times false and sensationalized narratives emanating from previously non political entities causes harm to our Democracy. Push back against entities which historically are non politically and many times legally should not be. These entities are the true source of subversion and disruption in our Democracy. Do you think hollywood, chic-fil-a and pro sports should be political channels with a one-sided Liberal narrative?

Also understand these newly political business and entertainment pushes are influenced at higher levels by poltical players who often use threatening tactics and leverage to force a Liberal narrative, with consequences coming from a refusal to do so. The political narratives being displayed are often not organic, but are designed to so, or to appear well intentioned.