>>9779218 lb
>>9779012 lb
>>9779218 lb
>>9779012 lb
Watch the water…
The BLACKMAIL material IS being used!
That is why so many players are taking part in the Kayfabe.
You are watching a movie!
Never forget that.
The real evil behind the curtain has been drawn into a series of traps, and now there isNO WAY OUTunless…
Unless they can make their Crowleyan Magick spells work.
So they are furiously, and I mean furiously quite literally, working on magick rituals and incantations and spells to get themselves out of this TRAP.
But let me ask you quite frankly
As a rational discerning and logically thinking person
How many chances in hell do they have of making their Magick work now?
The power of PRAYER by a Silent Majority, nullifies Magick.
When POTUS included the following in a tweet today, do you think he was giving the MEME artist Anons a heads up for an importantDaily Talking Pointfor tomorrow's counterattack on #FakeNews? I think so…