Spiritually, the war began long ago (Genesis 3, Genesis 6, Deuteronomy 32). Deut 32:9 For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. Fast forward to the creation of the United States. The odds overcome in defeating the empire upon which the sun never set. The foundations upon which this Republic rests and the first two Great Awakenings we have gone through. It's time for the third. From the creation of the Federal Reserve to the Income Tax (16th Amendment), they have bound us as serfs instead of free men. From FDR's massive expansion of government, the industrial military complex, and the assassination of JFK, they have increasingly bound us in both monetary and philosophical chains.
They have sought to divide us by any means necessary all the while infiltrating every segment of our society while we were at each other's throats. They assassinated God and assassinated the womb. They assassinated what it is to be a man all the while promoting every conceivable abomination know to God. We slept through while the thief broke in and attempted to steal everything is sight. Even our truth because the information disseminated to the masses has been a manufactured lie intended to control a narrative. A narrative designed to bring the greatest nation on earth to her knees and usher in a "new normal." This war wasn't going to be won in a few short months or even a few years. It has been decades in the making and our enemy is eons old. We rest in our faith, not of Q, but of something much greater. We rest not on our own resolve, but that of our forefathers who risked everything against overwhelming odds just for a chance to be free. And the choice is clear as Patrick Henry wrote so long ago…"Liberty or Death." #wwg1wga