'Meet The Press Broadcast (Full) - June 28th, 2020 | Meet The Press | NBC News'
'Meet The Press Broadcast (Full) - June 28th, 2020 | Meet The Press | NBC News'
How long ago that seems. Some 122,000 deaths and tens of millions of lost jobs later, and in the middle of a cultural revolution sparked by the viral video of George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police, President Trump finds himself backed into a corner. The rhetoric of a wartime presidency is gone. His coronavirus task force is barely visible. In a symbol of declining levels of support among white voters critical to his reelection, attendance at the Keep America Great rally in Tulsa failed to live up to expectations raised by Trump’s own campaign. The president’s job approval rating has fallen to the low 40s. Biden’s lead has widened to 10 points.
There is no shaking the coronavirus. It is the ever-present backdrop against which our national nervous breakdown is taking place. The good news is that deaths have declined to fewer than 1,000 per day. But that number is still higher than the casualties reported by other liberal democracies in Asia and in Europe, and it may rise in the coming weeks. Sclerotic bureaucracies, poor decision-making, and ill communication at every level of government wasted the opportunity to suppress the virus through relentless testing, contact tracing, and quarantine.
By the time testing ramped up to the point where it could become the centerpiece of a suppression strategy, Americans had grown tired of lockdowns enforced throughout the country without regard to local conditions and to basic freedoms, and weary of a public health establishment whose pronouncements — New York good, Florida bad; protests good, yeshivas bad — seemed driven by partisanship and ideology.
Love wins? It rather looks like COVID-19 won. If any entity deserves to brag, it’s Satan’s cupcake, with 31,000 graves to dance on. And if DeSantis, as Cuomo claims, “lost,” the scoreboard doesn’t reflect it. Florida has a larger population than New York State but has registered fewer than one-third as many coronavirus cases. Florida has seen 15 COVID-19 fatalities per 100,000 population; New York, 160. With 46,000 deaths between them, New York and its sibling New Jersey have combined for more fatalities than France, Spain, and Italy.
'The coronavirus hasn’t gone away.
As the Northeast, the epicenter of the pandemic in the U.S. for months, has seen steep, persistent declines in confirmed cases, other parts of the country have spiked. A month or so ago, most of the increased cases were a function of increased testing. Now, states like Florida, Texas, and Arizona have seen worrying increases in their positivity rates — the percentage of tests that are positive — in a sign of accelerating community spread.
The media’s tone about this trend is, of course, apocalyptic, with many commentators portraying the Republican governors of these states as callous extremists hell-bent on reopening, come what may. The fact is that states all over the country have been reopening, and California and North Carolina, both with Democratic governors, have seen spikes in new confirmed cases, too (although not dramatically increasing positivity rates). It’s also irksome to see these governors depicted as villains at the same time New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is lionized as a hero, despite New York’s vastly higher death rate and his fateful decision to send COVID-positive patients into nursing homes.
The reality is that Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, and Doug Ducey are reasonable, public-spirited men who never said they would insist on full reopening regardless of the consequences. Abbott has closed bars back down and further restricted the capacity of restaurants. He’s also stopped elective surgeries again in hard-hit areas and will allow counties to mandate wearing masks in public. DeSantis, too, has shuttered bars, while Florida localities are tightening up again on some restrictions. Ducey is hitting the brakes on the state’s reopening process.
All of this seems prudent. They are following the evidence and adjusting to new data. We like the local watering hole as much as the next guy, but if bars are contributing to the surge of cases, it only makes sense to close them again. Bars and restaurants also should not be allowed to flout state and local guidelines. And masks, which more Florida localities are mandating, are a mild mitigation measure compared with shutting business and telling people to stay at home.
Even as the riots that burst out onto the street after the death of George Floyd claimed over half a dozen lives, the Left is starting to romanticize riots again. There are consequences for even noticing that the majority of Americans don’t like arson, assault, and depraved murders.
David Shor was an up-and-coming political operator and data analyst. As a very young man, he worked on Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign. And he probably thought that he was helping progressives when he recently shared a research paper by Princeton’s Omar Wasow. What Wasow found was that the presence of riots reduced Democratic vote share in surrounding counties by 2 percent, and that this was enough to tip the 1968 election to Richard Nixon.
The logic of Wasow’s argument is intuitive. Disorder and violence that is associated with the Left leads more people to support reactionary or at least right-leaning law-and-order candidates. In the last year of his life, Martin Luther King Jr. spent a great deal of time making the same argument in the face of growing urban unrest. “Every time a riot develops, it helps George Wallace,” he said.
Young Shor was immediately set upon by other activists. Ari Trujillo Wesler (co-founder of OpenField, a Democratic canvassing app) said that sharing the Wasow paper “reeks of anti-blackness,” then tagged in David Shor’s boss, saying, “Come get your boy.” (You may have thought calling an adult man “boy” was disrespectful.) Shor’s fellow employees complained that his tweet made them “unsafe.” I wonder how safe Shor felt knowing that employees at other companies could publicly call on his boss to “get” him. Shor was not just fired from his job; he was expelled from email listservs. Being against riots was deemed “racist.”
'A key witness in special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia-Trump campaign collusion probe, on Friday received a 10-year prison sentence on child sex charges.
The witness, George Nader, who also acted as an adviser for President Trump's White House transition team following the 2016 election, was handed the sentence by Judge Leonie Brinkema at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.
Nader, who has already served a year in prison, admitted to bringing a 14-year-old boy from the Czech Republic to the United States in 2000 for sex trafficking. As part of the sentence, he is also ordered to pay that victim $150,000.
His lawyers, who lobbied for the 10-year term rather than a longer stay in prison, expressed "a real fear that [Nader] will not outlive the sentence" due to health problems as well as the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Nader in court said he was "dearly, deeply sorry" for the crimes.'
Business Insider covered this bill which would provide stimulus checks to families with illegal aliens who ended up not receiving checks during the first wave of relief.
Rubio introduced the bill on June 25 that would dole aid to mixed-status families with illegal aliens.
The legislation was co-sponsored by Republican Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina. It would let people who filed tax returns with non-citizen spouses to get $1,200 in stimulus checks. These individuals were prohibited from receiving the cash under the CARES Act which was signed into law in March.
“No American should be denied a federal stimulus check because they are married to a foreign national who is not a U.S. citizen,” Rubio declared in a press release. “Amid a global pandemic, we must ensure Americans are receiving the funds appropriated by the federal government to keep families afloat during this national crisis.”
Almost three months ago, Congress and Trump greenlit direct payments up to $1,200 for every American citizen making below $75,000 annually, or $150,000 for couples, provided that they had a Social Security number.
The Social Security number requirement barred many illegal aliens from receiving aid, which was similar to what happened when the Bush administration signed off on stimulus checks in early 2008.
Approximately 15.4 million people in mixed-status families did not receive stimulus checks, per a report from the Migration Policy Institute. In these estimates, there are 1.2 million American citizens married to illegal aliens included.
'One of the major public utilities in the United States is firing hundreds of employees and replacing its IT workforce with contractors affiliated with some of the most egregious abusers of the H1B visa system. The Tennessee Valley Authority, which was founded in 1933 during the Great Depression as a means to provide federally subsidized electricity to the Tennessee Valley, was also intended to create new middle-class jobs in one of the hardest hit regions of the United States.
'Three Minneapolis City Council members- all of whom recently voted to defund and dismantle the city’s public police department- are receiving private security details at the expense at Minneapolis taxpayers, FOX 9 Minneapolis has reported on Saturday.
The three city council members, Phillipe Cunningham, Andrea Jenkins, and Alondra Cano, have incurred costs of more than $63,000 over the past three weeks through the use of the city-funded private security details.
Jenkins cited an alleged white nationalist threat within the city of Minneapolis as a justification for the expensive security detail in an email to FOX 9. “My concern is the large number of white nationalist(s) in our city and other threatening communications I’ve been receiving,” said the city council member.
'Three New Jersey Democrat politicians are being charged with fraud relating to a mail-in voting scam that allegedly happened as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The charges have been filed against a city councilman, a councilman-elect, the brother of another councilman, and a fourth individual for election fraud in May’s special election. The entire election was conducted via mail-in voting due to fears related to the coronavirus.
NJ 1st Ward Councilman Michael Jackson is accused of collecting mail-in ballots and giving them to the Passaic County Board of Elections without indicating that he was the official bearer with his signature. Prosecutors also allege that Jackson handed in at least one ballot before it had been properly filled out.
'Eleven people were shot in less than 12 hours across New York City as of early Sunday morning, law-enforcement sources told The Post.
The victims were wounded during eight shootings in Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Manhattan between 5:30 p.m. Saturday and about 5 a.m. Sunday, sources said.
Most were expected to survive, but a 30-year-old woman who was shot in the head was rushed to NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue in Manhattan, where she was in grave condition, sources said.
In at least three incidents, the victims refused to cooperate with the NYPD after being wounded, sources said.
The spree of gunfire brought the number of shootings since Monday to 59, with a total 81 people shot, including six murders.
By comparison, there were nine murders but just 26 shootings for the entire week during the same time last year, sources said.'
'Seema Verma, the administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), told Breitbart News exclusively that New York’s Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other Democrat governors originally issued guidance that contradicted federal guidelines for nursing homes battling the coronavirus pandemic.
“I just want to make it very clear that our guidance was absolutely crystal clear,” Verma said in an exclusive interview late last week. “It was clear and unmistakable. Any insinuation to the contrary is woefully mistaken at best and dishonest at worst. We put out our guidance on March 13. It’s very clear when it says that, I’m actually going to read this to you, it says that: ‘When should a nursing home accept a resident who is diagnosed with COVID-19?’ It says: ‘A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under transmission-based precautions,’ which means if this person is infectious you have to take precautions. It says ‘as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for transmission-based precautions.’ It says: ‘If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued,’ meaning if you are not able to care for this patient—somebody is still positive and you’re not equipped to care for the patient, then you shouldn’t accept the patient into your care. That’s really important because longstanding discharge—when you’re discharging a patient from the hospital, longstanding guidelines require when you transfer them somewhere you transfer them to a place that can take care of their needs whether they’re going home or they’re going to a nursing home or some other facility.”
'The BET Awards kicked off Sunday night with an extended, star-studded rendition of Public Enemy’s “Fight the Power,” one of a slew of tributes to the Black Lives Matter movement that dominated the annual awards show that honors black achievement in entertainment and sports.
“Fight the Power” helped to open the virtual ceremony, with a montage of Black Lives Matter protests and other scenes of racial protest.