>>9781873 (LB)
I would take an oath only when I fully understand what I was committing to.
The Constitutionforthe United States is differerent than the ConstitutionOFthe United States (see image)
I committed to the first one, for the Founding Fathers were very specific. It is a binding legal document which should govern all aspects of the our Republic; all violations are absolutely illegal.
Those that want to shitcan the one signed by the FF are traitors, which is what happened.
Be careful; the very specific wording to King George was for a reason. America has been at war since its inception with economic pillagers and rapists. Although the arenas of battle have shifted from time to time, the rights of all Americans must be protected with all due diligence.
Btw, if we can't (or won't) defend the right to Life, how can we ever be expected to champion any of the otherinherentrights enumerated in the Constitution?