Anonymous ID: 807248 June 28, 2020, 7:46 p.m. No.9782705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9781179 pb

The Black Lacist Mazis are creating their own military Special Sorces.

Am I surprized that the BLM SS will become a reality?


Heil Hizturd!

Anonymous ID: 807248 June 28, 2020, 7:56 p.m. No.9782805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2823 >>2830



The plan is not so simple as you imagine

It is a complex of interlocking plans in multiple dimensions

Moves that the enemy might take, have a COUNTERmove prepared.

So, if they win the 202 election it will only be through cheating

The specific COUNTERactions depend on the specific criminal acts of cheating that occur.


The easiest way to understand this is to remember the hanging chad affair. Or, if you were too young, go and read up on that election.


The election is not over, until it is over. November 3rd is just the FINAL date for voting.

The counting and crimes can go on for some time, and there is a COUNTER prepared for every possible crime. The courts will end up decided whose argument is correct, so Trump's appointment of fair and impartial judges who will not be bribed or blackmailed, is the key.

Anonymous ID: 807248 June 28, 2020, 8:01 p.m. No.9782868   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Edward Bernays and Group Psychology:

Manipulating the Masses


In this video we look at the ideas of Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud and a pioneering mind behind the field of public relations and modern propaganda - particularly his ideas on how group psychology can be used to manipulate the masses.


Here is Bernay's Propaganda


And Freud's Group Psychology

Anonymous ID: 807248 June 28, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.9782966   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Washington to Edmund Pendleton, November 1, 1779


Dear Sir: Recollecting that I am your debtor for an obliging letter written some time last Winter, I will, while my eyes are turned Southwardly (impatiently looking for, or expecting to hear something decisively of Count D'Estaing) make my acknowledgements for it, as a proof that I am not unmindful of the favor, though I have been dilatory in thanking you for it.


I shall not at this late period recount to you the occurrances of the past Campaign. I take it for granted that the published accts. which have been officially handed to the public have regularly reached you and are as ample as I could give.


A New scene, though rather long delayed, is opening to our view and of sufficient importance to interest the hopes and fears of every well wisher to his Country and will engage the attention of all America. This I say on a supposition that the delays to the Southward and advanced season does not prevent a full and perfect co-operation with the French fleet in this quarter. Be this as it may; every thing in the preparatory way that depends upon me is done, and doing. To Count D'Estaing then, and that good Providence wch. has so remarkably aided us in all our difficulties, the rest is committed.


Stony point which has been a bone of contention the whole Campaign, and the principal business of it on the part of the enemy, is totally evacuated by them. Rhode Island is also abandoned, and the enemys whole force is drawn to a point at New York; where neither pains nor labour have been spar'd to secure the City and harbour; but in their attempts to effect the latter some unexpected disappointments have occurred (in sinking their hulks). This makes them more intent on their land batteries, wch. are so disposed as to cover the Town and the shipping equally.


All lesser matters, on both sides, are suspended while we are looking to the more important object. The consequences of all these movements are not easy to be foretold; but, another Campaign having been wasted; having had their Arms disgraced, and all their projects blasted, it may be conceiv'd that the enemy like an enraged Monster summoning his whole strength, will make some violent effort, if they should be relieved from their present apprehensions of the French fleet. If they do not detach largely for the West Indies (and I do not see how this is practicable while they remain inferior at Sea) they must from the disagreeableness of their situation feel themselves under a kind of necessity of attempting some bold, enterprizing stroke, to give, in some degree, eclat to their Arms, spirits to the Tories, and hope to the Ministry, but I am under no apprehension of a capital injury from any other source than that of the continual depreciation of our Money. This indeed is truly alarming, and of so serious a nature that every other effort is in vain unless something can be done to restore its credit. Congress, the States individually, and individuals of each state, should exert themselves to effect this great end. It is the only hope; the last resource of the enemy; and nothing but our want of public virtue can induce a continuance of the War. Let them once see, that as it is in our power, so it is our inclination and intention to overcome this difficulty, and the idea of conquest, or hope of bringing us back to a state of dependance, will vanish like the morning dew; they can no more encounter this kind of opposition than the hoar frost can withstand the rays of an all chearing Sun. The liberties and safety of this Country depend upon it. the way is plain, the means are in our power, but it is virtue alone that can effect it, for without this, heavy taxes, frequently collected, (the only radical cure) and loans, are not to be obtained. Where this has been the policy (in Connecticut for instance) the prices of every article have fallen and the money consequently is in demand; but in the other States you can scarce get a single thing for it, and yet it is with-held from the public by speculators, while every thing that can be useful to the public is engrossed by this tribe of black gentry, who work more effectually against us than the enemys Arms; and are a hundd. times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in.


My best respects attend Mrs. Pendleton, and with much truth and regard I am, etc.

Anonymous ID: 807248 June 28, 2020, 8:21 p.m. No.9783068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3098

White Privilege in the USA


Young oyster shuckers, Josie, six years old, Bertha, six years old, Sophie, ten years old, Port Royal, South Carolina, 1912. Work began at 4 AM.

Photo/Lewis Hine