>>9782570 lb
Sure, just be careful not to elevate them over your God-given reason. Emotionalism clouds judgment, as Q has also said. Reason is what sets us apart from animals. Reason is what sets the 1st world apart from the 3rd and what makes Western civilization possible. Emotions over reason are what the Marxists teach on behalf of the DS. It is important for anons not to fall into that or other traps.
>>9782526 lb
Know your enemy AND yourself and you will win the war, not just some few battles.
>>9782534 lb Repost but more readable
D = Devil
N = Nephew
Interesting Prophesy from 1942…
From the book: “The Devil's Letters to His Nephew”by C. S. Lewis(1942)
“D-And how did you manage to bring so many souls to hell at that time?
N-Because of fear.
D-Ah, yes. Excellent strategy; old and always current. But what were they afraid of? Fear of being tortured? Fear of war? Fear of hunger?
N-Fear of getting sick.
D-But then, no one else got sick at that time?
N-Yes, they were sick.
N-I'm sorry.
D-Nobody else was dying?
N-Yes, they died.
D-But there was no cure for the disease?
N-There was.
D-Then I don't understand.
N- Since no one else believed and taught about eternal life and eternal death, they thought they had only that life, and they clung to it with all their strength, even if it cost them their affection (they did not hug or greet each other, they had no human contact for days and days); their money (they lost their jobs, spent all their savings, and still thought themselves lucky to be prevented from earning their bread); their intelligence (one day the press said one thing and the next day it contradicted itself, and still they believed it all); their freedom (they did not leave their house, did not walk, did not visit their relatives. …it was a big concentration camp for voluntary prisoners! They accepted everything, everything, as long as they could overcome their miserable lives one more day. They no longer had the slightest idea that He, and only He, is the one who gives life and ends it. It was like that, as easy as it had ever been.”
From the book "Letters of the Devil to His Nephew" by C.S. Lewis, the Christian author of “The Chronicles of Narnia”…The book published in 1942.
>>9782607 lb
>these are faked polls anyway.
That's what we learned - how to break down the polls to show that they are skewed and FAKE to manufacture consensus and an illusory reality.
>Was just fucking with the SHILLS
o7 carry on