I doubt it. If a normies is listening to left wing it anti regressive left pseudo smart bs they are still siding with niggers. They made mistakes, race mixed, have Jew friends or whatever. Their comped and they are cowards.
There are very few "secret Trump supporters". Diversity has killed this country. It's laughable that Q the Jew gets on here and demands we be unified with people wjlho hate us and want to kill us.
Sure. We aren't going out and starting arguments and fights with trannies, niggers, gays, Jews and third in public but that's a far cry from expecting these hostile freaks from waking up.
We owe it to ourselves to stay safe and stay the fuck away from these "Americans" that Q the Jew says mean us no harm.
Meanwhile the burned cities, car attacks, mall attacks, riot attacks, usual murder home invasion censored attacks continue unreported.
Not to mention the monuments being hung upside down like they want to do to real live people.
Trump failed.
He better declare total war against Satan or it's over.