Anonymous ID: 11a500 June 29, 2020, 4:47 a.m. No.9785594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5606

Let's be honest. Half of the people here aren't woke. They were invited by someone who was. Yet, feeling as if they finally belong, they sperg the fuck out like a god damned nigger about to get a welfare check. This is hypocrisy at it's finest. The oldfags know exactly what the fuck I mean. You dumb newfags are why no work ever gets done. "Thank you so much baker, may I lick your asshole?" "Wow boobs, so cool, you're so amazing ladyanon, you go girl!" "If you just believe in jesus christ" "Oh, you disagree? Shillparade. Clown fiesta."


You dumb niggers have BECOME the shills


Why the fuck would anyone want to contribute actual research to /qresearch/ when there are far less crowded places.


Let's make a comparison. Would you sit in the middle of a fucking restaraunt trying to compare notes with your friend? Or is a couch or library a better idea?


Sure. Every blue moon some interesting tidbit of information is dropped, or a funny meme pops up. But the only reason Q shows up anymore is to keep you pansy ass whiney niggers satiated while the plan takes place.


Patience is a virtue, and seeing as none of you have any, every other day the sky is falling.


Shit, i'm surprised half of you aren't namefags, the amount of attention seeking absolute homosexuals in here is fucking sickening.


You disgust me /qresearch/

Let's hope things change.