During Andrew Cuomo's 2018 campaign for 3rd term as Governor of NY, he received over $1 million contribution from GNYHA, Greater New York Hospital Association. GNYHA is a lobbying group for hospital systems and has 215 member hospitals in NY. Late March of 2020 Governor Andrew M Cuomo sends advisory letter where he demands no Nursing Homes can deny entry from either suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients. Mid April 2020 Cuomo signed legislation, quietly shielding hospital and nursing home executives from the threat of lawsuits stemming from the coronavirus outbreak. Lobbying group GNYHA brags on their website how they aggressively pushed for this legislation and successfully got it approved.
Essentially Cuomo killed 12 000 people in NY nursing homes with his actions. All proof is right there so there is no way he is walking away from this.