>>9786660 (lb)
Wow, what a piece of shit you are…so back in 2014 he forecast this Plandemic and you fucking think he is lying, maybe back then you would think that, (because it hadn't HAPPENED YET,…do you have ANY clue how putting together clues with the current evidence back then would tell you that something would happen today….he must be a really good "GUESSER"…..what planet did you come from to think for one second that he was lying about something that hadn't happened yet….amazingly asinine stupidity at work with you…do you know how stupid that sound..
To prove my point…if he was to say that today, you can call him a liar, and back then it would be easy to call him a liar because back then it hadn't happened yet….fast forward 6 years and it's happening NOW, and that makes him a liar….please explain how in the fuck you came to that analysis and I can't for the life of me come up with some scenario where you were able to sauce it…