Chelsea better looking now that she's MAGA.
>Gen Z is on Tik Toc and they are red-pilling machines.
ikr the paradox here is astounding
You're not wrong but it's also a well used shill script so you're gonna get fragged at times.
Day Shift breads are fast which makes discernment on the fly difficult.
Get off muh lawn messenger!
I dgaf what Q says there will be plenty of these.
Even if it fucks up op sec or gives the enemy an opening?
blackpill singing in the dead of night…
not if you kys first
It's the best fresh meme we've had in ages.
Turn of the 'tism filter for a while on this one.
Mayor Lyda smart she married (and maybe had killed) a dude that lived in the cul-de-sac portion.
Let McCloskey the wild man handle the front-end shit.
Yep I'm from SEC country, too.
(kek one of the newfags that has moar SEC East titles recently than Rocky Top does)
well then it's all good then
yeah, give us the punch line
Thanks, Anon.
>"I don't know but certainly hope so"
kek that's what Pozo and Gorka is Garbage woulda said if they weren't compd