>>9787846 pb
hi Vox. Ur a prick and worse. I'd stay out of the public eye;
You're a fucking liar.
And yeah, how did you know all that back then?
creep - go back to your teenie boppers
Hopefully you'll get picked up for pedo.
>>9787846 pb
hi Vox. Ur a prick and worse. I'd stay out of the public eye;
You're a fucking liar.
And yeah, how did you know all that back then?
creep - go back to your teenie boppers
Hopefully you'll get picked up for pedo.
That was really funny
Right after kayleigh socked it to them with a long list of incorrect "news" by the NYTimes - which she connected to the Russian Collusion BS - and then called for the NYTimes and WashPoo to return their Pulitzer's
All hell broke loose and there was one lone voice "Why hasn't the President (at least they call him President instead of "Mr. Trump" now) denouced the man who said "White Power" on a video clip..
Then she walks out.
That was fun.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh That's what was happening.
They weren't shill they were Reddit refugess.
OMG. More laughs
"where the 'stop your going to make me pee" dog?
DeBlasio just announced he's ending solitary confinement in prisons
Thinks are heating up.
They keep you guessing though.
that's important.
I'm ready for Pelosi , Comey, (Schiff is so outrageous) good and ready for their take-down
I liked what Kayleigh did today to the NYTIMES and WaPo
Wouldnt that be a good meme campaign
Why white women in particular.
wow, easier to pick on than men
They want to kill woman for voting for Trump
And it's a "Karen" who writes it
Are you sure that 's not the onion.
Karen ATTA,,, keke
wouldn't you say that tweet is encouraging and endorsing violence against woman?
Seems to me threats are a way of doing business for the Dems?
Isn't there a law against inciting violence against woman?
Or are very few Law enforcement enforcing laws at the momo?
u are correct, sir
that's why we need the Great Awakening
And the Presidency of Donald J. Trump
Turn it brown and it should be an a Spielberg flick?
holy shit, the gov is a full blown retard.
People watched this dud(e) every day for an hour for months on end.
No wonder we are in trouble.