what are we ckickbaiting anons now??
Please dont put descriptions like a leftist youtuber desperate for clicks. Going to pb to see your posted video is annoying and ghey.
what are we ckickbaiting anons now??
Please dont put descriptions like a leftist youtuber desperate for clicks. Going to pb to see your posted video is annoying and ghey.
If there is no merit to the "rumors" he has probably lawyered up.
reddit is world wide so whites would be the minority.
Bags under eyes.
As you age, the tissue structures and muscles supporting your eyelids weaken. The skin may start to sag, and fat that is normally confined to the area around the eye (orbit) can move into the area below your eyes. Also, the space below your eyes can accumulate fluid, making the under-eye area appear puffy or swollen. Several factors cause or worsen this effect, including:
Fluid retention, especially upon waking or after a salty mealLack of sleepAllergiesSmokingHeredity — under-eye bags can run in families