They (democrats) have no plan their all just extremely selfish people.
They know their time is coming to a bitter end
He didnt give us free will but i understand what youre saying. We take ownership of our lives and choices
Yeah because of original sin
You know all this is doing is giving power to the people we're supposedly out to get justice on. No publicity is bad publicity. These people have the msm in their pocket and their manipulative liars. There are people who walk the walk and then there are people who talk the talk. Trump might have been lucky to get to 270 votes in the election but if there were serious voter fraud why would that not already be in motion to make it known and have it corrected. If these people are really out here doing terrible shit to people and stealing money why is justice not carried out? Because of fear of death? really?
We watch it happen time and time again
Thats just your perspective on the world. Im sure when ww1 ww2 spanish flu and many other events in history happened they assumed the same thing