>>9790498 (lb) Would expect "Trump cheated," to be on the lips of every 4-6er. Already laying the groundwork, of course, with the grotesquely twisted & dishonest polls that say PDJT is not just behind, but significantly so. Nothing could be further from the truth, yet it is combined with ravings such as that by Biden/Bidan, that the military would drag Trump out of the WH if he lost but refused to leave.
So Covid over on 11/4, but they whose lives are on the line will certainly be out there raving. Unsure if they will go for the coup in a more direct fashion (than what has already been trotted out) at that moment, or just slime off for suicide weekend. This ties in with your drop that stated things should be getting back to balance, or quasi normalcy, not long after the election. My best estimate is yes, full post election ravings across the spectrum of left pols & fake talking heads, combined with their last possible asset usage. All likely over by the 1/3 and 1/20 swearing ins.
Or dare I dream that suicide weekend will be the weekend following the election? Possible, if they go for the old "yet I will try the last," and are decisively crushed within 48 hours.