Anonymous ID: c12608 [B][L][M] gfy cya June 29, 2020, 2:12 p.m. No.9790693   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Because we have to start somewhere no one did the damn thing yet and the damn thing has to get done.


Let it be known by all those who hate us,blame us ,try to frame us to get famous and spew accusations of systemic racism and inequality at innocent people just because they are white, we are not so easily fooled by your empty words because we have observed your criminal activities we can see clearly now who poses the threat to our civilization, THEY ARE IDENTIFIED BY THREE DISTINCT ACTIONS [B]URNING,[L]OOTING, AND [M]URDERING. THREE OF THE WORST BEHAVIORS EXIBITED BY HUMAN BEINGS THREE ACTS OF UNJUST HATRED BY A SINGLE GROUP THE [B]URNERS,THE [L]OOTERS,AND THE [M]URDERERS. THEY CHANGE UP THE WORDS BUT KEEP THE FIRST THREE LETTERS OF THE WORDS SAME BUT USE DIFFERENT WORDS THAT DO NOT MATCH THERE ACTIONS AT ALL CLEARLY AN ATTEMPT AT DECEPTION DO NOT BE FOOLED THOSE WHO BURN LOOT AND MURDER ARE TERRORISTS,DOMESTIC TERRORISTS AND THEY MUST BE DESTROYED BY ANY MEANS NECCESSARY


Fresh perspective from observation of the insurrection and it is a declaration of terrorism to destroy our independence that was declared much time ago but at present must be defended from terrorist attacks that are currently taking place. The enemy has finally been revealed and their hatred for us the flames light up our properties at night I can see the glowing hatred in every flame of fires they nignite and I see it also in every stolen piece of merchandise when they loot the stores and rob the people and their properties. Not a single one can justify their actions properly they are criminal terrorists without a doubt that is without question. To themselves they just a gaaaaaaaaaaaaangsta they proclaim to each other but that was before the first fire was lit and the before the first merchandise was stolen before the first innocent life was ended. You started out a self proclaimed gangster and look at what you have changed yourself into, militant extreme domestic terrorist. You are the best which is really the worst of the criminals and you will pay the maximum penalty for your little reign of terror. A good portion of your people are going to pay with their lives for the heinous actions they committed against my people. You are creating terror and destroying things you are not capable of rebuilding or repairing no matter what words you say for none of us will listen to your constant lies you constantly say everyday. You want to control what you did not create nor have you any right to assume control over anything other than your own pathetic existence. If you were capable of anything other than violence and destruction by now we would have seen the evidence.


History repeats itself at times. we have been here before last time most of us were not alive when the last time it happened which I posit is why things did not come to light immediately or my mind was working on a way to process the data into information to be used so that the future generations do not have to repeat the mistakes of the past and maybe we can get some real forward progress to being better creatures maybe then we can live our lives without disturbing anyone's progress. They say that you as a group you are only as strong as the weakest member. Our future is not so bright when 19% of our high school graduates are functionally illiterate that means they cannot complete basic reading tasks. No excuses can be made for this ugly fact that our public education system has failed and we have failed to hold ourselves accountable, create and maintain a minimum standard of acceptable behavior by all members of society. There can be no excuses we can and will do better from this day forward. …….

Anonymous ID: c12608 June 29, 2020, 2:12 p.m. No.9790699   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Once problems are identified, then solutions can be developed and employed and change will occur. We must return to the past,and most basic means of decision making because it is already established. And observation at this current junction in time in our land reality the hypocrisy has reached a dangerous level. Combined with ignorance and violence now you have hysteria among the majority of people and the source is a minority of people. These people use violence and intimidation to obtain unlawful control and we call these people terrorists and we have terrorists that are born here in the united states and are attacking the nation right now. They are people who practice deception and intimidation and most certainly they cannot be trusted and from past behavioral patterns we can identify current patterns that show they resort to violence against innocent people without being physically threatened by anyone,one could go as far as to say they are dangerous because in fact they are. We must judge these people only by their behaviors and actions solely,because they refuse the majority of grammar,spelling, and punctuation rules for reasons unstated and unknown to everyone as they do not state their reasons for offensive word selections,poor usage of punctuation and frequent misspellings.


But they continue these errors knowingly and freely even when corrected by others they refuse to correct the errors even when they know it is incorrect they continue to refuse to correct the errors. It is as if to them they have no concern with the rules or standards as if they do not apply to all people equally and they are exempt from the rules that govern everyone else. There is no positive logical explanation for this problematic behavior it causes a negative effect on communication causing difficulties frequently. We are dealing with people that refuse to correct repeating errors they continue to make repeatedly they refuse to comply with requests to communicate effectively because what we are having is a failure to communicate because their use of language resembles English but does not adhere to the rules of the English language making it into a mockery of sorts one could call it verbal anarchy because this is a choice they are choosing to make and they choose to refuse to follow the rules set by society.


Another pattern of problematic behavior clearly emerges. They are refusing the standards and rules of our society we had previously set in place that seem to work for everyone, except for them. They refuse standards of communication that have been pre-established, their weapon of choice is incorrect grammar,poorly worded and loaded statements to incite unsuspecting victims into verbal altercations which they tend to escalate towards violent behavior. The blatant incorrect usage of words and statements is deliberate behavior they are attacking our standard means of intelligent communication.This has caused disruptions and will continue until we no longer accept what we already have established as unacceptable behaviors. This is one of many tactics and attacks employed by our resident terrorists who are American by birth location but not in spirit. Their perverted and criminal ideals will never be accepted as the American way of life by the majority as our new normal. One of the main goals of the terrorists is to replace our somewhat civilized society with total anarchy or a new system where the negroid race is above all other races. It when when the violence and mayhem begins we must remain the most calm while observing the most atrocious acts committed on our own soil by a enemy homegrown.

Anonymous ID: c12608 June 29, 2020, 2:13 p.m. No.9790708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1289

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Behold you are now aware of our current reality of the severity of our problems, we cannot allow this to continue any longer we must create a path forward for our nation, with the full restoration of the rule of law and punishment for the ones that are destroying our property,economy,and society. These vermin will not escape punishment.


Their crimes are most heinous they have turned rotten against the society that provided the resources to care for all of them who refuse to be gainfully employed and still thrive and prosper for themselves but not without the greatest loss being for the American taxpayer whose hard earned dollars are wasted on these people as there is no return on investment in supporting the negroid community as a whole they do not attempt improve their own behaviors they do not strive to achieve academic greatness or improve the human condition,they generate more problems than they solve. The true inequality is that they do not put forth equal effort in work or society, the rest of us are burdened by the negroid race as we must work harder to make up for their inequality. This is not fair nor can it be said the founding fathers were correct as they were not when they said all men are created equal. In our society today this notion is absurd just look towards our federal government and see that preference is given to the negroid race above all other races they have been given special hiring privileges or you could just call it preferential treatment. We must take corrective action and restore FAIR hiring practices for all citizens especially after the financial devastation to the job market from covid-19 which affects everyone. No one shall be allowed unfair and unjust advantages over other citizens because they have a certain skin color. If you want to give an unfair advantage to a specific group of people and alienate the majority, maybe you should rethink your thoughts with some consideration for the majority of the population or face the consequences of your actions taking place against the now aware and resentful majority of law abiding American citizens.


Now we must discuss the plan to save our country and end the attacks on our people and our property by any means necessary.

We will first attempt this with peace in mind but willing only to commit great violence as a last resort to end the insurrection. KILL THEM ALL will always be an option on the table as long as we are dealing with terrorists foreign or domestic that are burning,looting,and murdering our businesses,property,and people.. The course of action will be determined by the actions of our enemies. If they surrender to authorities without incident, they will have the right to a military tribunal but not a court of law as they are now classified as enemy combatants, no longer citizens of the USA,stripped of citizenship when charged with acts of terror they no longer have the protections of the citizens because the moment you acted against this country and attacked we the people we will never accept your attacks or apologies nothing you can say or do could ever justify your evil behavior from any perspective you will never be right in your destruction and violence against this nation.

Anonymous ID: c12608 June 29, 2020, 2:13 p.m. No.9790729   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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You have been wrong, are wrong and continue to be wrong and doing all the wrong things you could possibly do wrong along the way on your insane crime spree in America. The truth is being brought to light as you are reading this right now the veil of protection is being dismantled, the words they use no longer effective to confuse and cover up the crimes for the criminals. When we make common sense decisions utilizing observation of ones actions and behaviors and not their own words but by their deeds then we are making sound decisions. This is not a game it never was but to some that is all they believe it will ever be. To be continued…