Anonymous ID: d8257a June 29, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.9792137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2159

Because the Catholic Church ignores the principle of separation of church and state, it is the most divisive force in America.

According to members, the order serves “as an international defend­er of the Church.”[7] In June of each year a ceremony is held in Rome for Knights of Malta which includes the“swearing of allegiance to the defense of the Holy Mother Church.”[8] Herein lies the problem for population growth control and its recognition as a national security issue. Population growth control seriously threatens the survival of the Vatican, as discussed in chapters one and four. Knights are committed to defending the Church. Only the most devout and obedient are invited to join the Knights and Opus Dei (which its detractors have compared to mind-controlling cults).[9] If the Vatican has determined that population growth control threatens the Holy Mother Church, the members of these societies are obliged to counter this threat by thwarting the development of population growth control government policies and their execution. It is inevitable that the best interests of the Vatican and those of the United States are not always going to be the same.For this reason, no one can possibly swear complete alle­giance to both and mean it.

Have fun biblethumpers.

If you need a book to tell you to be a good person, then maybe you're just a shitty person to begin with.

I'll do fine all on my own defending the Constitution and believing in separation of church and state.

>They want you divided by religion

Yet it's fine when Q does it.

Blatant fucking hypocrisy from all sides. Sick of it.

>inb4 don't let the door hit you in the ass…

Good riddance.

Billions have been killed over religion throughout the course of history.

Clutch those pearls.

Anonymous ID: d8257a June 29, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.9792184   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kek, oh this shit won't be missed at all.

My life was exponentially better during the downtime between the merge from 8ch to 8kun.

You guys have fun still allowing the murder of innocent children throughout the world and in America along with your bald Preying Medic gatekeeper, hypocrites.