Anonymous ID: ed7c70 June 29, 2020, 4:55 p.m. No.9792895   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The ADL’s Disgrace


A Jewish organization partners with a leading anti-Semite to score political points


It’s hard to think of a more prominent anti-Semite in American public life over the last 30 years than the Rev. Al Sharpton. Louis Farrakhan may give him a run for his money, but the leader of the so called Nation of Islam remains a pariah—Barack Obama was photographed with him once, in 2005, and never made that mistake again.


Sharpton is a different story. He has never apologized for leading a pogrom against the Jews of Brooklyn that marked the worst outburst of anti-Semitic violence in modern American history, but despite all that, or perhaps because of it, has laundered himself into an elder statesman and star television host whose endorsement ambitious Democratic politicians must now seek.


Look no further than MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, who personally introduced a resolution condemning Sharpton’s "racist and anti-Semitic views" in his previous life as a Republican congressman. In his present life as a Trump-hating MSNBC host who has toyed with a presidential run, Scarborough celebrates Sharpton’s moral clarity about Facebook.


We never thought we’d see Sharpton embraced by Jews, but that’s what’s transpiring now as the Anti-Defamation League strays onto the Reverend’s turf—leading a boycott campaign against one of the most successful Jewish-owned businesses in the world. Its CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, has tapped Sharpton as a partner in a political project to police objectionable speech that both are trying to cast as a modern civil rights issue.


Sharpton has come a long way. So has the ADL.


As Crown Heights burned, the organization had no trouble identifying Sharpton as an enemy of the Jewish people. "Anti-Semitism is all over the place in Crown Heights," the ADL’s then-director, Abraham Foxman, told the New York Times in August 1991. "It is ugly, it is crude, it is classical and it is deadly. And the fact that it is American and it is black should not make it invisible or tolerable."


Sharpton, then as now, "denied the charges of anti-Semitism," telling the paper "this is a classical example of trying to turn the victim into the victimizer."


Later that year, like any victim would, Sharpton traveled to Israel for a publicity stunt to "hunt down" the Jew who had provided the pretext for his riots. Upon his arrival at Ben Gurion Airport, he was heckled by an Israeli who told him to "go to hell." Sharpton’s response: "I am in hell already. I am in Israel."


Since then, Sharpton has had ample opportunity to apologize, to make amends. He has been steadfast in his refusal to do so. So how does this man end up in cahoots with the Anti-Defamation League?

Anonymous ID: ed7c70 June 29, 2020, 4:58 p.m. No.9792922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3234 >>3472 >>3559

Canada’s Chief Medic Says She Expects COVID-19 Resurgence Due to Restrictions Phasing Out


Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam said she expects a resurgence of novel coronavirus cases in the country as the restrictive measures put in place to fight the pandemic are gradually phased out.


“As restrictive public health measures are being lifted… we expect to see some resurgence of cases,” Tam said during a technical briefing on Monday.


Tam said the key to fighting the pandemic is to keep the number of cases small through ongoing core public health practices.


She commended public and the public health system for withstanding the first wave of the pandemic, noting that the severity of the second wave will rest on collective responsibility.


However, despite the generally positive outlook, some hotspots remain in Canada. The Windsor-Essex area - affecting mostly temporary foreign workers on farms and other agricultural facilities - and some long-term care facilities in Quebec are still beset by infections.


Canadian health officials said they project more than 4,300 additional cases of the novel coronavirus disease and approximately 340 more virus-related deaths by mid-July.


The projections, released by the Public Health Agency of Canada, revealed that the number of confirmed infections will range between 103,940 to 108,130, while the number of deaths is expected to fall in the 8,545 to 8,865 range by 15 July.


As of Monday, Canada’s public health agencies have reported nearly 104,000 novel coronavirus cases and more than 8,500 virus-related fatalities.

Anonymous ID: ed7c70 June 29, 2020, 5:05 p.m. No.9793014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3234 >>3472 >>3559

CPS in L.A. County is trying to remove a child from a parent who tested positive for Coronavirus


Los Angeles family dependency lawyer Christopher Arash Borzi stated the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is trying to remove the child of a parent who tested positive for Coronavirus.


Reached for comment by NATIONAL FILE, Borzi withheld comment at this time awaiting his employer’s permission. This case is not unusual as government agencies nationwide seek to strip rights from law-abiding citizens during the Coronavirus pandemic.


Child Protective Services (CPS) agencies are facing national scrutiny as Salem, Oregon salon owner Lindsey Graham accuses CPS of questioning her children in a politically motivated targeting operation. Graham is fighting Democrat governor Kate Brown’s state government in an effort to re-open her business during the government-imposed Coronavirus lockdown. Graham’s crusade, predictably, is making her a target of the political establishment.

Anonymous ID: ed7c70 June 29, 2020, 5:23 p.m. No.9793207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3222 >>3245

Chase Customers Report Missing, Additional Money In Bank Accounts


Some JPMorgan Chase customers who checked their accounts overnight found hundreds or even thousands of dollars missing, and in some cases, added.


"We know some customers reporting seeing incorrect balances in their checking account overnight," Chase said in a statement on Sunday morning, June 28. "This was caused by a technical issue that delayed updates on what displayed on Chase Mobile and Chase Online."


The company said the issue was resolved at 9 a.m. Eastern Time and "accounts now show current balances."


Reports of the issue were prevalent on social media. One Twitter user posted a screenshot of his account showing thousands of dollars missing.


"@Chase missing over $600 from my account 😩😩😩 what is going on??" another Twitter user wrote.

Anonymous ID: ed7c70 June 29, 2020, 5:29 p.m. No.9793298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3472 >>3559

Why is Australia still accepting international travellers when most of our coronavirus cases are from overseas?


Despite a concerning uptick in locally acquired cases of COVID-19 in Victoria, overall the majority of cases recorded in Australia have come from overseas.


Most of the people coming back to Australia or in hotel quarantine are citizens or permanent residents, but where they've come from tells a story in itself.


Here's where cases have come from over time, and where Australians making their way home are coming from.

Where are the infections coming from?


According to the latest epidemiology report published by the National Incident Room, most of Australia's cases have been acquired overseas, and the majority of those cases came from either Europe or cruise ships.


But data from the past month show the rate of infections entering Australia from those sources has dried up.


"Over the four weeks ending Sunday June 21, 2020, most overseas-acquired cases have reported a travel history to the regions of southern and central Asia, north Africa and the Middle East or at sea," a spokeswoman from the Department of Health said.


"Some cases also reported a travel history to the regions of the Americas, Europe and sub-Saharan Africa."

Coronavirus update: Follow all the latest news in our daily wrap.


According to earlier versions of the epidemiology report, in the early days of COVID-19, all cases reported in Australia had travel history in China.


But by the time case numbers began to accelerate rapidly in mid-March, most of the overseas-acquired cases being detected were coming from Europe and the Americas.

Anonymous ID: ed7c70 June 29, 2020, 5:32 p.m. No.9793337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3460 >>3507

‘It Highlights Capitalism’s Brutality’: Socialist Seattle City Councilmember Blames Capitalism For Latest CHAZ Shooting


A socialist member of the Seattle City Council blamed capitalism for the latest shooting in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in a series of tweets Monday.


Councilmember Kshama Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative, a national political party that advocates for policies such as a $15 minimum wage. A 16-year-old died and a 14-year-old is still being treated following a drive-by shooting that took place early Monday morning in CHAZ, also known as the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP), according to Seattle police.


“While we await details of this tragic killing, it highlights capitalism’s brutality & endemic violence,” Sawant tweeted Monday. “Our movement rejects insinuations & falsehoods perpetuated by corporate & conservative media that this violence is outcome of CHOP or of our movement.”


While we await details of this tragic killing, it highlights capitalism’s brutality & endemic violence. Our movement rejects insinuations & falsehoods perpetuated by corporate & conservative media that this violence is outcome of CHOP or of our movement.


— Kshama Sawant (@cmkshama) June 29, 2020


Sawant added: “Capitalism is a police state. While we’ll have to fight to win reforms, we have to dismantle capitalism to win a violence-free society.” (RELATED: City Workers Arrive At Seattle’s ‘CHAZ’ To Dismantle It)


Sawant has advocated for the defunding of the Seattle Police Department in the wake of the death of George Floyd, a black man who died in Minneapolis police custody after an officer kneeled on his neck, video of the incident shows. She called for the defunding of the police and said completely dismantling the police under capitalism is impossible at a rally on June 9, according to KOMO News.


“This tragic killing underscores the urgency to Defund police by at least 50 percent, win the strongest possible Amazon Tax this week to fund housing & jobs, release protesters without charges, and winning the other demands put forward by the movement,” Sawant tweeted Monday.


If this makes sense to you, you likely love soy and are batshit crazy!

Anonymous ID: ed7c70 June 29, 2020, 5:38 p.m. No.9793395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3419

America’s Revolutionary Founders Would Be Anti-Government Extremists Today


“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.”—Thomas Paine


“When the government violates the people’s rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensable of duties.”—Marquis De Lafayette


Had the Declaration of Independence been written today, it would have rendered its signers extremists or terrorists, resulting in them being placed on a government watch list, targeted for surveillance of their activities and correspondence, and potentially arrested, held indefinitely, stripped of their rights and labeled enemy combatants.


This is no longer the stuff of speculation and warning.


In fact, Attorney General William Barr recently announced plans to target, track and surveil “anti-government extremists” and preemptively nip in the bud any “threats” to public safety and the rule of law.


It doesn’t matter that the stated purpose of Barr’s anti-government extremist task force is to investigate dissidents on the far right (the “boogaloo” movement) and far left (Antifa, a loosely organized anti-fascist group) who have been accused of instigating violence and disrupting peaceful protests.


Boogaloo and Antifa have given the government the perfect excuse for declaring war (with all that entails: surveillance, threat assessments, pre-crime, etc.) against so-called anti-government extremists.


Without a doubt, America’s revolutionary founders would have been at the top of Barr’s list.


After all, the people who fomented the American Revolution spoke out at rallies, distributed critical pamphlets, wrote scathing editorials and took to the streets in protest. They were rebelling against a government they saw as being excessive in its taxation and spending. For their efforts, they were demonized and painted as an angry mob, extremists akin to terrorists, by the ruler of the day, King George III.


Of course, it doesn’t take much to be considered an anti-government extremist (a.k.a. domestic terrorist) today.


If you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution (namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or searched by the police, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government, racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign), you’re at the top of the government’s terrorism watch list.


Indeed, under Barr’s new task force, I and every other individual today who dares to speak truth to power could also be targeted for surveillance, because what we’re really dealing with is a government that wants to suppress dangerous words—words about its warring empire, words about its land grabs, words about its militarized police, words about its killing, its poisoning and its corruption—in order to keep its lies going.


This is how the government plans to snuff out any attempts by “we the people” to stand up to its tyranny: under the pretext of rooting out violent extremists, the government’s anti-extremism program will, in many cases, be utilized to render otherwise lawful, nonviolent activities as potentially extremist.


The danger is real.