Anonymous ID: 846c7d June 29, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.9795276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5292

Most are good. The Fake News Media would not have to lie and manipulate if this were otherwise. The media stranglehold on information means that many were never exposed to the truth to begin with. Many believe in deeply-entrenched and oft-repeated lies. Many have had their good natures manipulated in the name of false causes and false narratives.

These same people will thrash, scream, and lash out when exposed to the truth, but they are simply afraid and uncomfortable, not evil at heart. They can be deprogrammed and set free.

Some, though, ARE evil. Given the population, 4-6% lost forever is still tens of millions, but I don't even mean them.

There are domestic actors who truly hate America, who hate you, who hate this Republic and everything it stands for and wish to see her burn. There are traitors who would gladly rally behind a JFK-style coup if the Deep State ever pulled it off. There are traitors who would have you and your family murdered to make an example of what happens to Patriots.

These people are outnumbered and they know it. They need to turn the average person to their side through manipulation and theater in order to have a chance. That is where we come in.

If we can pull the plug on this giant brainwashing broadcast and expose these criminals for what they are, they lose automatically. The same seething outrage that turns the mob against our country would be multiplied and directed against them. It would not be safe for them to walk the streets.

We have to wake people up. This is a deathblow against them. This is our mission and our duty.