Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.9795190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5246 >>5250 >>5255 >>5359 >>5440 >>5616 >>5682 >>5797 >>5861

Social Credit Score Is In America: Visa Blacklisted My Business and My Family for Building Gab


As many of you already know we learned last week that Visa blacklisted Gab and we are now unable to process credit and debit card transactions. We learned more information this week and I think it’s important that I share it as a warning for others.


It’s not just Gab that is blacklisted. It’s also my family.


In China there is something called the Social Credit System, which was developed by the Communist Chinese Party as a “national reputation system.” This system tracks the “trustworthiness” of individuals, businesses, and organizations. “Trustworthiness” here means total and complete submission to the Chinese Communist Party. If the Communist Party deems you to be untrustworthy, you are denied access to plane tickets, train tickets, opening and operating businesses, and more.


As of June 2019, according to the National Development and Reform Commission of China, 26.82 million air tickets as well as 5.96 million high-speed rail tickets have been denied to people who were deemed “untrustworthy (失信)” (on a blacklist), and 4.37 million “untrustworthy” people have chosen to fulfill their duties required by the law.


To most Americans this sounds horrifying, and it is. I now know from first-hand experience because this social credit system exists in the United States. While it may not be sanctioned by the United States government, it most certainly has been deployed by US corporations who today have in many ways more power, data, and control over our lives than our government does. Many of these corporations also happen to be endorsing and raising money for communist organizations, revolutionaries, and the domestic terrorists burning down our cities.


We were told this week that not only is Gab blacklisted by Visa as a business, but my personal name, phone number, address, and more are all also blacklisted by Visa. If I wanted to leave Gab tomorrow (something that isn’t going to happen) and start a lemonade stand I wouldn’t be able to obtain merchant processing for it.


Simply because my name is Andrew Torba.


If my wife wants to start a business she won’t be able to obtain merchant processing because she lives at the same address as me and would be flagged by Visa.


This is obviously very concerning. We have done nothing wrong. Gab is and always has been a legally operated business. We sell hats, shirts, and a software subscription service that unlocks new features on Gab. My personal credit score is in the 800’s. I pay my bills. I have a wife and daughter to provide for, yet we are all being punished and defamed because someone at Visa has it out for me.


We were told that Visa has someone camping on our website watching our payment processing. As soon as we get a new processor up they find out who it is on their end and contact them. They tell the processor that Gab is flagged for “illegal activity” and if they do not stop processing payments for us they will be heavily fined.


When the processor inquires about this alleged “illegal activity,” Visa tells them that Gab has been flagged for “hate speech.” “Hate speech,” is of course not illegal in the United States of America and is protected by the First Amendment. As I have written, it’s not real and I refuse to acknowledge it as term. Visa doesn’t agree with me.


The reason I share all of this is that I hope it serves as a wakeup call and as a warning. If they can do this to me, they can do it to you and they likely will.


Christians need to be especially concerned and aware of this. The Communist revolutionaries taking over the United States are coming for us all. It’s only a matter of time before the Bible is labeled as “hate speech” and churches start to experience what I am going through right now.


And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:17


Andrew Torba




June 26th, 2020

Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 8:43 p.m. No.9795209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5236 >>5255 >>5359 >>5440 >>5616 >>5682 >>5797 >>5861

Children Have 0.00% Chance of Dying from COVID but are Harmed for Life by Social Distancing, Which has its Roots in CIA Torture Techniques


California Civil Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas published a video on Facebook this week to show the devastating consequences of isolating children and forcing them to practice “social distancing” at places like school.


Here are some lesser known facts about social distancing and isolation:


• It was developed 70 years ago by the CIA to break down enemies of state.


• It is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day AND being an alcoholic.


• It doubles the risk of death, and destroys the part of the brain responsible for learning.


She pointed out that according to the statistics and the CDC:


• A child’s risk of dying from COVID is 0.0%, per the CDC.


• No child has passed on COVID to a family member or third party (they do not transmit).


She goes on to explain the historical origins of practicing Social Distancing, and how the technique was developed by the CIA to torture “enemies of the state.”


Here is a summary of her research designed to educate school administrators so that they abolish social distancing rules in schools.


Sample Letter to School on Harms from Social Distancing


Legal-Medical Opinion On Possible Changes to 2020-2021 School Year due to COVID


by Attorney Leigh Dundas


I write today to highlight certain factors that will hopefully serve to inform what are likely ongoing embryonic conversations at the District level, relating to COVID and the 2020-21 school year – and further – to urge a particular path of restraint during such conversations based on abundant scientific, medical, neuro-cognitive and legal considerations which have now emerged.


At the beginning of this letter, I want to acknowledge that it is quite obvious that there is a virus, which can be sometimes fatal, particularly to certain demographics. That said, there are also a federal and state constitution – which have been to some degree overlooked by certain states in their rush to contain the virus – as well as data in the form of hard math and hard science, which is now emerging in the context of COVID, and which bears review.


Math on COVID was Wrong


The study that precipitated the lockdown of more than 95% of America’s population (and indeed, the planet’s population) was authored by Neil Ferguson, out of the UK. It predicted deaths in the millions. This alarming conclusion was taken into account by leaders of most nations, and acted on accordingly. America acted by quarantining – not the sick – but the approximately 311 million Americans who were not sick, and putting them under the functional equivalent of house arrest, for an indefinite period of time. Interestingly, after a mere one day of himself being under lockdown in the UK, the study’s author walked back his math a shocking ninety-six percent (96%): his revision of deaths in his own country went from a predicted 500,000 down to 20,000.


At this juncture, allow me to point out the obvious, using an analogy involving my daughter: if my daughter Katya routinely said the answer to a math problem this year was 100, when it was indeed only 4 – and Katya continued to get her math problems wrong by 96% – she would receive a failing grade in math from Foothill High. And rightly so: with such incompetence in basic arithmetic reflected on her transcript, I would hope that she not be hired by anyone, anywhere, in any serious job that required basic math, as such degree of error – in engineering, statistics, or any job – would have fatal consequences (imagine if the degree of slope in a freeway overpass were 96% wrong).


Why Neil Ferguson’s model was adopted in the first place is curious, as this was not his first such major error: witness Ferguson’s 2001 model of mad cow disease – which predicted horrible fatalities including up to 150,000 deaths in England – which was subsequently deemed “not fit for purpose” when in fact only 177 people died (and that’s through 2020).[1]


Indeed, what current actual data evinces is that the mortality rate is nowhere near the initial projections, as concluded by a study out of Stanford on Sunday, followed by one out of USC yesterday.



Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 8:45 p.m. No.9795233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5340

How the Fed Gets Away with Ripping Off Ordinary Americans


The Federal Reserve has printed trillions of dollars without generating runaway price inflation through the use of a neat trick.


The privately owned bank cartel shovels the bulk of the money to Wall Street banks and not to the public at large. Instead of millions of Americans rushing out to bid up prices on consumer goods, a relative handful of bankers is using the free money to bid up asset prices and then pay themselves huge performance bonuses.


It’s quite the racket. Fed officials have been able to point at stock prices as “proof” of how they successfully engineered an economic recovery.


Wall Street is the true beneficiary of all the largesse and Main Street doesn’t ask too many questions as long as the stock market is roaring higher.


Things have to be good, right?


Except now Americans noticing that Fed policy is horribly unfair. The distribution of recent stimulus funds from the Fed and Congress is so lopsided it’s outrageous. Politicians printed and borrowed roughly $6 trillion – the equivalent of $30,000 for every adult in the US.


How much of that cash did people actually see? About $1,200 if they were eligible for assistance.


And since Congress borrowed 100% of those funds, Americans are expected to pay it back. They’ll have to add it to their tab.


The pro-rata portion of the U.S. debt for each adult is already more than $110,000.


The trillions the Fed created were injected to buy Treasuries, lend into the repo markets and to make bond purchases. In theory, these funds will have to be paid back too. Since the Fed is never audited and doesn’t have to provide detail on Fed loans, we have to take their word for it.


We aren’t the only ones covering the ridiculous gap between what the Fed and Congress will spend to support bankers versus the rest of us. Wall Street on Parade has been watching the malfeasance for years.


The misnamed CARES Act passed by Congress in March authorized billions of dollars for small businesses. However, some of that was siphoned off by banks, including a New Jersey bank which collected $5.3 billion.


Larger, publicly traded companies with less need for emergency funding have also been cashing in on the program.


Bloomberg reports that two-thirds of the $3 trillion in stimulus money approved by Congress has been spent.


Those funds have been handed out with practically no oversight.


Fraud and mismanagement should be expected whenever Congress passes a massive spending program. If the spending program is rushed through with plenty of political cover, like the CARES act, it will be a bonanza for grifters, the special interests, and the well-connected.


Unfortunately, there isn’t much that frustrated Americans can do about it. Almost everyone in Washington (in both parties) supports what Fed and Congress have done to “stimulate” the economy thus far.

Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 8:46 p.m. No.9795243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5255 >>5341 >>5359 >>5440 >>5616 >>5619 >>5682 >>5797 >>5861

Don't Be Fooled, Recent Coronavirus Data Suggests the Lockdowns Were a Colossal Mistake


In various states across the nation, there’s been a noticeable trend of an increase in coronavirus cases. While this fact makes the headlines, the detail that seems to get overlooked is the fact that deaths have declined. Florida, Arizona, Texas, and California are among the states that have experienced spikes in cases but have maintained declining death rates or no spike in deaths.


How is this possible? Conventional wisdom suggests that a spike in cases should result in a spike in deaths, but that has not panned out. The protests and riots following George Floyd’s death have been going on for nearly a month now. Surely a spike in deaths should shave occurred by now. But so far, it hasn’t.


Why not?


According to Justin Hart, an information architect and data analyst from San Diego, “who” gets the virus is just as important as “how many” get the virus. “Right now the average age of infected cases has dropped nearly 20 years,” Hart told PJ Media.


White House Coronavirus Task Force Member Dr. Anthony Fauci acknowledged this fact last week: “The overwhelming majority of people who are now getting infected are young people, like the people that you see in the clips in the paper or out in the crowds enjoying themselves.”


Coronavirus data says risk is low for most Americans


Young people, possibly from the recent protests and riots, are likely behind the recent spike in cases, and that tells us a lot about why the data looks the way it does right now. According to the CDC’s current best estimate, the fatality rate of the coronavirus for symptomatic cases only are as follows:


0-49 years old: .05%


50-64 years old: .2%


65+ years old: 1.3%


Overall ages: .4%


When you take into account that approximately 30% of coronavirus infections are asymptomatic, that drives the fatality rate down even further. “The risk of death for the general population of school and working age is typically in the range of a daily car ride to work,” notes Josh Ketter on Medium.


Professor Mark Woolhouse, an expert in infectious diseases in Scotland, led a study that determined current lockdown restrictions could be easily lifted as long the most vulnerable populations are left protected. According to Woolhouse, for the non-vulnerable population, the coronavirus is comparable to a “nasty flu.”

Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 8:47 p.m. No.9795247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5255 >>5359 >>5440 >>5616 >>5682 >>5797 >>5861

Lebanon’s Financial Meltdown: Currency Plunges 80%, Huge Losses at Central Bank, IMF Bailout Stalled


The financial crisis in Lebanon has seen its currency, the Lebanese pound, fall 80%. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has estimated that the country’s central bank has accumulated losses as much as 170 trillion pounds. The disagreement between the Lebanese government and the central bank has stalled bailout discussions.


The economic and financial crisis in Lebanon has deepened as the local currency has been in a free-fall. The Lebanese pound sold at a rate of 8,000 to the U.S. dollar on Sunday at local exchanges, losing about 80% of its value over the past 10 months.


The IMF has warned Lebanon that its central bank, Banque du Liban, has accumulated losses of up to 170 trillion pounds, the Financial Times reported on Thursday. The publication explained that the central bank has used “a series of sovereign debt and currency swaps with local lenders … to shore up the banking sector, attract foreign currency and stabilize the Lebanese pound.” Citing people familiar with the matter, the publication reported that the IMF told the Lebanese finance minister and central bank governor:


That activity, combined with the impact of Lebanon’s default in March on the bank’s sovereign bond holdings and a collapse in the value of the currency, has resulted in accumulated losses of about L£170tn.


The losses equate to 91% of Lebanon’s total economic output in 2019 and are almost equal to the total value of the deposits held by the central bank from the country’s commercial banks, the news outlet conveyed. The pound had been pegged at 1,507.5 to the U.S. dollar since 1997.


An IMF spokesperson said last week, “Our estimates are broadly consistent with those in the government’s plan.” The central bank and some members of parliament, however, argued that the losses are substantially lower.


The disagreement between the Lebanese government and the central bank has put the prospect of obtaining much-needed emergency financing from the IMF at risk. IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said Friday that she did not “expect progress in the negotiations with the Lebanese officials.” Georgieva added: “IMF officials are still working with Lebanon, but it is not clear whether it is possible for the country’s leaders, active parties, and society to agree on implementing the reforms needed to stabilize the economy and boost economic growth.”


However, “Not accepting the diagnostic simply means that the IMF [will] walk away,” commented Henri Chaoul, a banker and former advisor to the government in the IMF talks. He resigned from his advisory role at the Ministry of Finance on June 17. Lebanon’s fiscal and monetary policy has come undone over the past six months, following weeks of anti-government protests.

Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 8:49 p.m. No.9795256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5265 >>5299 >>5359 >>5378 >>5440 >>5616 >>5682 >>5797 >>5861

Fla. Middle School Teacher Allegedly Gives Oral Sex To Minor at Party Before Mom Confronts Her


Detectives from the Polk County Sheriff’s Office arrested a teacher from Lakeland’s Lake Gibson Middle School on Thursday, June 25, 2020, after it was discovered that she had sexual relations with a juvenile.


The teacher, 49-year-old Leslie Bushart of Lakeland, was booked into the Polk County Jail, charged with Lewd Battery. During her arrest, she told detectives that she has been a teacher for 29 years. Please refer all inquiries regarding her employment to the Polk County School Board.


The investigation began on June 16th after the boy’s parents notified the PCSO. They reported that the incident occurred on June 6th during a graduation party for the victim’s older sister.


According to the arrest affidavit, Bushart told another person at that party that she had just performed oral sex on the teenage victim. That person then informed the mother of the victim. The mother confronted Bushart, who then quickly left the party.


Bushart later reached out to the victim’s mother via Facebook Messenger and tried to rationalize her behavior by saying she was drunk at the party.


When detectives met with Bushart, she confessed to the crime. She told them that she and the boy walked away from the crowd together and she attempted to smoke marijuana, but was so drunk that she couldn’t get it lit. At that point she began performing oral sex on the victim.


“Leslie Bushart victimized a teenage boy. She betrayed her profession, as well as her friends during what was supposed to be a very special day,” Sheriff Grady Judd said. “There is technically one victim in this case, but the entire family and school community have suffered from this.”

Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.9795273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5281 >>5302 >>5350 >>5359 >>5440 >>5616 >>5682 >>5797 >>5861

Beaches Closed, Fireworks Displays Banned During 4th of July Weekend In Los Angeles


The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is ordering L.A. County beaches closed from July 3 through July 6 at 5:00 a.m. to prevent dangerous crowding that results in the spread of deadly COVID-19.


For that same reason, the department is also prohibiting fireworks displays in the County this July 4th holiday weekend.


During the holiday weekend, beaches will be totally closed to all recreational activities. Beach parking lots will be closed, as well.


“Closing the beaches and prohibiting fireworks displays during this important summer holiday weekend was an incredibly difficult decision to make, but it’s the responsible decision to protect public health and protect our residents from a deadly virus. The Fourth of July holiday weekend typically means large crowds and gatherings to celebrate, a recipe for increased transmission of COVID-19,” said Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. “We all need to take this virus more seriously and residents and business owners must do their part. Physical distancing isn’t optional, wearing a face covering isn’t optional, spending time only with those you live with isn’t optional — these are requirements in the Health Officer Order and are the tools we have to protect each other, our families and those most vulnerable in our communities.”

Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 8:57 p.m. No.9795319   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Senator Suggests Buying Russian-Made S-400 Defence System From Turkey


The purchase of Russian S-400 defence systems by Ankara drew a response from Washington, as the Trump administration expelled Turkey from the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program and threatened sanctions against the country for buying Russian-made defence weapons.


Republican member of the US Senate has proposed legislation that would make it possible for the United States to buy Turkey's S-400 Russian-made defence system amid issues between Washington and Ankara over Turkey's purchase of Russian gear.


The proposal was made by Senate Majority Whip John Thune, which envisaged an amendment to the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act that could allow Washington to purchase the gear via the US Army procurement budget.


"Such sums as may be necessary are authorized to be appropriated for the Army for ‘Missile Procurement, Army’ for the purchase of an S-400 missile defense system," the proposed amendment's text reads.


The amendment also suggested that proceeds of the S-400 purchase "will not be utilized to purchase or otherwise acquire military apparatus deemed by the United States to be incompatible with NATO".


Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jim Risch introduced a tougher amendment that would make the Trump administration impose sanctions on Turkey under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), 30 days after the proposed NDAA is passed.


“I think the US buying the S-400s from Turkey is a clever way of getting Erdogan out of the jam he put himself in. We just want to get the system out of Turkey […] and if it enables the Turks to take part in the F-35 then all the better", said Jim Townsend, a former Pentagon official for European and NATO policy, cited by Defence News.


CAATSA envisages putting any country that buys major defence equipment from Russia under sanctions. Because of Turkey's purchase of S-400, the US threatened to sanction the country, while also expelling the country from its multinational F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program and pressuring Turkey to give up on the Russian S-400 it bought in 2019. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan refused to do so and weighed the possibility of continued cooperation with Russia on the S-400, despite delays resulting from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.


The United States claimed that S-400 defence systems may compromise F-35 fighter jet operations and do not fit NATO standards, assertions that Ankara has denied.

Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 9:03 p.m. No.9795365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5440 >>5616 >>5682 >>5797 >>5861

Military Situation In Syria On June 29, 2020 (Map Update)


A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:


Clashes between the Syrian Army and militants broke out in the Fatirah area in southern Idlib;

The protests to demand the release of detainees from YPG prisons took place in the SDF-held area of Kharaij in the East of the Deir Ezzor district;

SAA artillery targeted the militants’ positions in Ankawi area south of Idlib;

Turkish-led forces targeted the SDF positions near the town of Ayn Issa in northern Raqqa Governorate;

Turkish-led forces’ artillery targeted areas near the Menagh airbase;

The Kurdish Afrin Liberation Forces brought mortar fire on the city of Azaz of Aleppo province;

A demonstration against the Syrian government passed in the town of Tafas in Daraa Governorate.


As best I can tell Syria is now fighting a proxy war on two sides with Turkish/EU terrorist proxies and the other an Israeli/US(DS) terrorist proxies. Could be they are trying to stop the gog/magog war from happening on their territory this is why we see the expansion back in to Libya Iraq

Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 9:15 p.m. No.9795502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5521 >>5616 >>5682 >>5797 >>5855 >>5861

Democrats Delete Tweet Calling Trump 4th of July Celebration a “Rally Glorifying White Supremacy at Mount Rushmore”


The Democrats tweeted a statement on President Trump’s planned 4th of July celebration at Mount Rushmore (to be held on Friday the Third) as a “rally glorifying white supremacy at Mount Rushmore.” The tweet was deleted soon after it was posted Monday night.


The Trump campaign’s Matt Wolking wrote, “June 29, 2020, 9:57 PM ET The moment the Democrat Party attacked Mount Rushmore, which features George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, as a symbol of white supremacy.”


The Argus Leader reported earlier this month that 125,000 ticket requests were received for a lottery drawing for 7,500 tickets for the Mount Rushmore celebration with Trump:



…More than 125,000 tickets were requested for the Fourth of July fireworks at Mount Rushmore, which President Donald Trump is scheduled to attend, officials say.


A total of 25,179 applications requesting a total of 125,787 tickets were submitted to the National Park Service during the lottery for tickets last week, according to the South Dakota Tourism Department. A maximum of 7,500 tickets were available for the fireworks event and the winners of tickets were chosen by a randomized system. People were notified last week if they received tickets…

Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 9:17 p.m. No.9795539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5616 >>5682 >>5797 >>5861

Tensions over China threaten U.S.-U.K. trade deal


The latest source of friction between the transatlantic allies is the recent approval for Chinese tech giant Huawei to construct a $500 million research and development center near the university city of Cambridge.


Chinese tech giant Huawei continues to drive a wedge between the U.S. and the U.K., this time over a $500 million research and development center near the world-renowned university city of Cambridge.


Planning permission was granted on Thursday for the construction of the 550-acre, semi-conductor design center on land Huawei acquired for $47 million in 2019.


U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth Keith Krach has raised concerns about the location of the facility. “They want to co-opt the researchers and talent from one of the most prestigious universities,” Krach told The Times. “They want to get their hands on the technology and [intellectual property] to take back to China,”


The vice president of Huawei, Victor Zhang, strongly disagreed. “Any suggestion that work at the Cambridge R&D center would be in contravention of the unjustified U.S. sanctions is simply irresponsible and not true,” Zhang said in the same article.


Anxiety over the U.K.’s reliance on Chinese technology grew after Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced at the beginning of this year that Huawei would become a major supplier for Britain’s new 5G network.


“There is no reason why we shouldn’t have technological progress here in the U.K. … but also protect our security interests, and protect our key security partnerships with other security powers around the world,” Johnson told the Guardian.

Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 9:17 p.m. No.9795549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5616 >>5682 >>5797 >>5861

FDA to release first official guidance on making COVID-19 vaccine


Guidance covers trials and safety issues.


The Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday will release its first official guidance on developing a timely and safe COVID-19 vaccine, Just the News has learned.


“We recognize the urgent need to develop a safe and effective vaccine to prevent COVID-19 and continue to work collaboratively with industry, researchers, as well as federal, domestic, and international partners to accelerate these efforts,” FDA Commissioner Stephen M. Hahn said in a statement provided to Just the News.


The organization will not "cut corners" on making decisions on whether to approve future vaccines, the commissioner said. “This is particularly important, as we know that some people are skeptical of vaccine development efforts.”


The guidance includes specific requirements, such as large enough clinical trials, and the expectation that a vaccine “would prevent disease or decrease its severity in at least 50% of people who are vaccinated,” according to the statement.


The agency encourages the inclusion of diverse populations in all clinical phases, specifically racial and ethnic minorities, people with medical conditions, and that information be provided on whether a vaccine is safe for children and pregnant women.


The new guidance also addresses whether and how to authorize emergency use of an investigational vaccine.

Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 9:18 p.m. No.9795564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5682 >>5797 >>5861

Pentagon Says No Evidence to Corroborate Allegations About Russia's 'Deal' With Taliban


A New York Times report last week claimed that Russia may have offered bounties to Afghan militants for killing US troops deployed to the Central Asian coutnry. Both Russia and the Taliban denied the accusations. The White House also insisted Trump wasn’t briefed on the matter.


The Pentagon has no evidence to back up allegations about the Russia-Taliban collusion, according to Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman.


“The Department of Defense continues to evaluate intelligence that Russian GRU operatives were engaged in malign activity against United States and coalition forces in Afghanistan,” Hoffman said in a statement.


“To date, DOD has no corroborating evidence to validate the recent allegations found in open-source reports. Regardless, we always take the safety and security of our forces in Afghanistan — and around the world — most seriously and therefore continuously adopt measures to prevent harm from potential threats.”


On Friday, the New York Times ran an article citing unnamed intelligence officials as claiming that Donald Trump had been presented with an intelligence report claiming Russia could have paid bounties to Taliban-linked militants to assassinate US troops in Afghanistan.

Anonymous ID: f699ed June 29, 2020, 9:26 p.m. No.9795687   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Now lets get this show under way, first shot will free so many minds and validate those of us who have put in the hard yards while being attacked mocked and ridiculed!


God leads those who seek his guidance and protection!


Peace is the prize!



