Anonymous ID: 605536 June 29, 2020, 9:52 p.m. No.9796023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6040 >>6042 >>6102 >>6573 >>6702

>>9795301 (lb)

>With all due respect

Everything you said is based off ignorance and belief in bull shit propaganda to reinforce that ignorance.


Cannabis is NATURAL. As in that which is "created" by "Nature's God". Whatever that may mean to you is your own interpretation. However, I find it hard to see that any other way as something FAR superior to we as people and/or the collective of all mankind. To assume that chemically-based, man–made "modern" "medicine" is superior to Nature in any way, shape, or form is incredibly naive, to say the least, if not down-right blasphemous to the "Creator".


We exist ONLY because Nature allows it. Science does not fully understand a fraction of our reality that simply "is". At best, we simply study it, trying to understand the many complexities. We are far from perfect. Sometimes, the moar humans there are getting together, the moar the flaws become problematic and compounding. See: Mob-mentality in full effect, right now. Anyway, regardless of what people do, Nature is ultimately superior.


Our bodies are incredibly complex systems. It's difficult to pin point what causes what. Doctors don't necessarily have tests that "verify" one specific illness, but rather they treat patients based upon symptoms described. Now, this becomes two possible scenarios where flaws may arise. One with the person whom must accurately explain their symptoms, whether or not they know the proper terminology. Two, where the doctor must accurately try to identify the right factors in which to approach potential treatments. ALL of our medicine is still under stage 4 testing. Meaning we haven't had the time to fully understand and identify all known risks to weigh the potential benefits. Sure, some medicine has been around for 50+ years working fine. But still, there are a number of SERIOUS "side effects" that are associated with NUMEROUS forms of "medicine" still being prescribed today, while new ones get added each and every year. So, there are numerous flaws KNOWN about the way we practice "modern medicine". And I haven't even mentioned the monetary factor, where treating a patient based solely on health is no longer an option, because big money has legitimate influence in this ENTIRE process.


Ready for the beautiful part? Nature has this amazing defense mechanism all creatures are born with. We call this our Endocannabanoid System. Cannabis has organic compounds that assist in proper functioning of our own defense mechanism. For many people who do use cannabis for medicinal purposes, this one natural substance has the ability to replace numerous pharmaceutical "medications". Some of those pharmaceuticals pose serious dangers/risks and often, because of "side effects", will require additional prescriptions to counteract something that was never a problem to begin with. This poses a direct threat to numerous big money interests, which is why the so may have fought to suppress one natural substance that is incredibly harmless when compared to even the most innocent of over-the-counter "medicines" available. It's not the government's job to tax this, nor is it their duty to restrict other Free People from using said substance.


As with any medication, there are known risks. But there are VERY SERIOUS risks being ignored on the pharmaceutical side, possibly because too many people are scared to admit that even the heads of whatever is supposed to be "in charge" of this shit-show don't know shit about what they are talking about, still to this day, which should be of a much greater concern than a natural substance that has been used for several thousands of years for a variety of easily identifiable reasons. Cannabis is a much safer bet. Does it get abused by some? Yes. But so do a lot of things. Sugar kills moar people than pretty much any other substance known to man. Yet, we feed it to kids like it's candy. 'Sup with that?

Anonymous ID: 605536 June 29, 2020, 10:10 p.m. No.9796174   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Personally, I do not give a flying fuck what Trump THINKS about cannabis one way or another. What I said is based off multiple experiences of not only myself, but of other individuals. I almost got murdered by no less than two people from "side effects" of their psyche "meds". The worst thing a stoners ever done to me was be like "Dude. Stop.". I've dealt with drunks since I was being teethed with brandy by my grandmother. Cause it shut me up from crying. That's a problem. But I don't think the world should ban alcohol. Just maybe tone down subliminally message kids and young adults into drinking and doing fucked up shit cause drunk. I have multiple grievances with pharmaceuticals. But still, I don't think my opinion, even if based upon factual accounts, is a strong enough reason to tell another individual what they can or cannot use to treat themselves for any number of problems one might encounter while trying to live through clown world. Give me that respect in regards to my own personal use of what I use to treat my own many problems.


Whatever you do though, nobody should have a right to slander the reputation of something they never took the time to fully understand or appreciate. And for the love of all that is holy, if anyone tries to brainwash children into thinking they are "addicted" for using a natural substance over the faggotry from big pharma, may those entities be smote to the ground by the Forces of High Heavens

Anonymous ID: 605536 June 29, 2020, 10:49 p.m. No.9796475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6578


>and most states where it is legal have all but forgiven” for lack of better term, pot convictions.

12 years later, I'm still being extorted for moar money and bull shit after numerous "convictions" of incredibly small amounts of cannabis that cost me several tens of thousands of dollars in legal fines and fees I will never get back, after I spent years trying to explain to corrupt idiots in positions of authority about the numerous medicinal benefits cannabis provided. Now, they tax as many individuals as they possibly can in what I would best describe as both racketeering and medical fraud, while they are still trying to brainwash me into thinking I was/is/always will be an "addict" for using the substance without their permission, even though they weren't smart enough to realize the potentials until they allowed "voter opinion" to weigh in on the matter.


I find it hilarious that a state that once would confiscate property of individuals over tiny amounts of cannabis, or in some instances even strip children away from parents who were deemed "unfit" because they "used" said substance, are allowed to collect hundreds of millions of dollars to "regulate" an industry they claom to be "medical" but still try to maintain a certain level of ignorance in regard to said substance out of fear they will be held accountable for previous actions once admitting the wrong. By "hilarious" I mean FUCKING CONFISCATE THESE GODDAM CORRUPT STATES FUNDS ALREADY AND GIVE US BACK OUR SHIT, if we're still keeping it "illegal" at the federal level. Please.

Anonymous ID: 605536 June 29, 2020, 11:45 p.m. No.9796716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6726


FYI, I meant no disrespect to you or anyone else by my other reply. >9796689

I wanted to link two other things besides disappointed Fry meme. But I couldn't find them. Then I noticed disappointed Fry in another search. Hence the shit post.


Apologies if taken the wrong way. I'll get mad as hell, too, now