Anonymous ID: 4e26d2 June 30, 2020, 12:12 a.m. No.9796836   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I am alone


You are never alone, we are always with you. So sorry for your loss, been there too many times. They give us so much love, they become soul mates, they are a gift from God. I'll keep you in my thoughts and Prayers, digital hugs.


Chin up anon, stay strong, stay safe and again, know you are never alone. Better days are coming.

Anonymous ID: 4e26d2 June 30, 2020, 12:47 a.m. No.9797171   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Welcome German anon! My wife is from Germany ;-)

What can you do? Q laid it out in drop 4509

Now get out there and FIGHT!

We need YOU!!





24 Jun 2020 - 1:01:36 PM

You have been selected to help serve your Country.

Never retreat from the battlefield [Twitter, FB, etc.].

Use other platforms as a form of centralized command and control.

Organize and connect [bridge through linking].

Source meme(s) material from battlefield and/or garage [highlight & share][take & drop]

Mission 1: Dispute [reject] propaganda push through posting of research and facts

Mission 2: Support role of other digital soldiers [one falls another stands (rises)]

Mission 3: Guide [awaken] others through use of facts [DECLAS 1-99 material and other relevant facts] and memes [decouple MSDNC control of info stream] _ask 'counter' questions to initiate 'thought' vs repeat [echo] of MSDNC propaganda

Mission 4: Learn use of camouflage [digitally] _primary account suspended-terminated _use of secondary

Mission 5: Identify strengths / weaknesses [personal and designated target(s)] re: Twitter & FB [+other] example re: meme(s) failure to read through use of ALGO [think Tron (MCP_master control program)] _dependence on person-to-person capture [slow response time unidentified user(s)]

Game theory.

Information warfare.

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.

Together we win.