Q must have a gag in his mouth. Faggot never does anything.
You found a free speech website and you " I love ID blocking shills"
must be either a boomer or some antifa faggot. I knew this movement was going down hill but holy shit, You guys are faggots
Look how many people are calling you out as a faggot
Common denominator is you fucking clown.
You're the shill this much is obvious
It's just like you faggots to make a safe space on a free speech website
Fucking snowflake
Name one and provide sauce and not some opinion actual fucking sauce….I'll wait
Frazzledrip wont be released because it's not real
No we could. Only people who say that are making excuses for doing nothing. Oh you couldnt handle some face being cut off and Hillary dancing with it.
I've seen worse on this website alone. Fuck right off. If the cops really cried over that and had nightmares. They are pussy
No…no it's not kek
Yes wait for the zombie to save you. Just like Q keep waiting for him. But do nothing in the mean time. Meme and google. That's gonna save the world.
Q and jesus will probably save us all at the same time. Maybe in another 2 thousand years….maybe….but keep doing nothing and have faith goy
I've seen children get their throat slit and bleed out on a video on this website. I have seen children being cut up into pieces and put in a oil drum and then set on fire. By the Mexican cartel on this website. And that what I have seen on this website alone.
Yes I have. So again those cops are PUSSY. If it's even true (but its not) and the only people saying g it's too much for the public are people who are making excuses for the public.
There is literally not a single thing that could scare me enough to go crazy. NOT A SINGLE THING.
Only weak minded people believe such things.
People upload ducked up videos all the time. What the fuck are you talking about?
So you post a pic of a pedo and think you have made a point of some kind?
You guys are cringe. Christian Bale is a faggot. And none of you are actually accomplishing anything.
Like I would actually love for pedos to get arrested. But they dont and they never will. Its frustrating I know. But I am not putting my faith in a letter or a guy who tries to post edgy memes. In Hope's he finds a community that will accept him.
I actually care about kids. Not memes and being an edgy wannabe spy
Yeah soon….(2000 years later, your great, great, great,great ,great,great grandson talking to my great,great,great,great,great,great grandson)
Your GGGGGGGS:You will be sorry for talking badly about Jesus. Hes coming Soon….
My GGGGGGSGS:Maybe in another 2000 years huh?
Typical…post memes while kids get raped tortured and killed. Just like a Christian to do nothing and laugh about it.
Your entire religion is based around fucking kids no wonder you guys dont care
Yeah and these wannabe spys think it's a game.
If q had it all and nothing could stop what's coming. Then timing wouldnt matter.
But logic doesnt work on these absolute fucking baboons
Dude we are sick of nothing happening and you faggots a and Trump acting like we are winning.
We arent Epstein nothing happened Nothing is happening period. No arrests worth anything. Nothing.
You guys just waiting with your thumbs up your ass are shills.
Anyone who knows the truth and has the authority to do something is now a suspect. Because they have done absolutely NOTHING. And I mean Trump and his "team".
And anyone defending them is a pedo too
Typical wannabe edgy faggot
Posts old ass fucking meme and thinks he is very unique and original.
Go kys faggot…
Typical…has no retort so you cant read English all of a sudden? It's very easy to read if you weren't retarded
"Then why are you here"
Because I like to make fun of retarded people. I'm not a very nice person I know. I like to make fun of the mentally handicapped.
But really it's because I fucking can. And you can also suck my fucking dick
Your meme proves you're a boomer
Has never seen video
Let me tell you what's in the video I have never seen and why nobody else can see it.
Shut the fuck up with your excuses. So edit a 5 minute clip. With no sexuality just the murder.
Dont tell me the guys who are supposed to save the world with memes dont know how to cut and edit a video?
Looks like our digital soldiers are fucking retards
Dude I love John Goodman
Wheres that dead beat been? He loves to take credit for all good. But while kids are getting raped tortured and killed he is no where to be found.
Sounds like a faggot who takes credit for shit other men do. Like a real dead beat dad does
I would love for this to be real. But not one thing Q has said has come true and I'm being objective.
Declass we have it all nothing can stop what's coming.
But not yet cause….muh timing
Cats are for effeminate little faggots