Anonymous ID: 4a963e June 30, 2020, 3:17 a.m. No.9797932   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9796768 (PB)


How to increase the death count? The big play going on right now in the MSM appears to be making facemasks mandatory. We already know from the medical peeps that prolonged wearing of N95 masks isn't healthy.


Prolonged wearing of cloth masks and the standard non-N95 masks will cause oxygen deprivation and build-up of unhealthy bacteria. Most people will probably be OK. Government guidelines offer an exemption to those with underlying conditions. How many actually know this? I'm seeing a concerted effort on FB to mask-shame EVERYONE into wearing one, for 'the good of society'. Be a responsible citizen.


My guess is this:


1) expand the symptoms of COVID. If someone exhibits the symptoms, there is no need to test. Symptoms that indicate something deadly but currently non-Covid are best for this.

2) force mask-wearing on everyone, esp the vulnerable, using a concerted campaign across social media that neglects to mention they're exempt.

3) specifically target those with breathing difficulties. Tell them they are most vulnerable to the virus and they must wear a mask, esp in high heat.

4) having socially isolated vulnerable people for a while now, lift the lockdown, then reimpose it with stricter conditions. Run 4am talking points, using NLP techniques to tell the vulnerable that suicide rates are going through the roof and maybe, just maybe…

5) finally, Watch the water. Contaminate the water supply with something that shows Covid-like symptoms.


Make sure that when folk are rushed into hospital they aren't treated with HCQ + zinc. Treat them instead with something that's expensive but useless and is in fact more likely to kill them.