It's not,, they have the pharoahs bloodlines.
Long story.
They recently found in some of the mummies, european DNA( so they may have came from europe, to egypt and became pharoahs, and then went back to europe after things went bad there in the middle east).
Diffferent people within the family or related.
I did some research.
The bloodlines of the pharoahs went to europe, started or rejoin their families there( royal familys) They were also part of templers, and they founded Switxerland in 1291.
Templers, and secret societies, Switzerland( who guards vatican,) all of them have symbolism related to egyption gods, Set, isis, horus, etc.
They also have pagen symbolism,, think of ( Gottthard tunnel opening)
So i think their cult/religion is a mix of Egyptian gods, pagan, satanic, numerology, astrolgy, Jewish( kabalah crap madonna is into) .
So maybe when thsome of the people rejoined family from egypt, with pagen family in europe, they combined their religions, and began taking over the church, and making sure their bloodlines were in all the houses of europe.
This channel here( this guy knows alot about bloodlines, Templers, Switzerland)
Switzerland is one of their home bases( CERN, Gottard tunnels, DNA, Banking, guard vatican, home of Red Cross, etc)
https:// www.youtube.com/channel/UCz84cLA1kFgUwbiFm3J4fvQ