I agree on your premise & admire your knowledge of some history. Your right about our borders and our sovernty.
I have always believed in the heart of the matter. Sometimes we don't talk to much about it but we debate with it.
I am grateful for knowing what we know because of Snowden. Manythings we knew but couldn't prove.
I Reserve nothing except my humility if I am wrong. Which many have said I am.
I don't know all details of snowden. I have read why hes a black hat. I havent read much of him being a white hat.
What mankind may use for evil. God uses it for good for those who believe in him. My trust is in him and his plan. My prayers are as his. As he prayed for us who live in this evil mess. I pray for Q team but as time passes, people die in the plan, and more corruption is further done. I am left with the same question that @snowden asked at the end. What are you going to do about it?
Regardless what people may think. it's an honest question to a braod range of the context of what is being said. I have said it long before him. NO accountability is the root of this & remains to be the lifeblood for it to have and retain its power.
I believe he is a whistleblower & a white hate. Because he is the one that brought us to this purpose to begin with. Someone saying our government is betraying our trust and is spying on its citizens, is a good
Revelation to expose.
So until he is proven to be as evil as my government, I believe he did all americansga good thing. I dont have to agree with 'everythig' anyone says, for me to to believe they love thier country as much as I do. All each of must do is continue to be awaken and accept, you cant awaken those pretending to be asleep.
Thanks for sharing. It's a great conversation we all need. What are we going to do about it? All of this needed but I believe we have to domore.