I just want to point an observation out.
A few days ago, I did a search engine query, on Startpage.com, for “Kung Flu” soon after Trump made the Kung flu comment.
One of the top search responses was a YouTube of a 2013 Public Service Announcement aimed at promoting the flu shot.
Kung Flu PSA#2 - YouTube
Health First Fights the Flu - Kung Flu Fighting
Were both titles to this link:
This video has been taken down during the past few days.
Another top search engine response was a video clip of Obama in 2015 using the phrase “Kung Flu”. I did not save that link. But here is related link I did save:
There was an assortment of search responses on the original query. There were a few Trump related articles interspersed within the responses at that time. Today I did the exact same query, and the responses are ALL Trump related. No other intermingle articles, all Trump. I extended my query to include 2013 to find the Kung Flu PSA video, disappeared within a week after 7 years. I also could not find the 2015 video clip when Oboma mentioned “Kung Flu”. But I was able to find this today where Obama is bashing Trump for using the phrase “Kung Flu”: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/505109-obama-said-trumps-use-of-kung-flu-shocks-and-pisses-me-off-report
Amazing how quickly and silently information disappears from public eye. I think that the article of Obama bashing Trump over Kung Flu use, needs to be linked with the 2015 clip of Obama using the same phrase. Does anyone have a link to the 2015 Obama clip?