Sorry frens, got here late. Did POTUS tweet Lone Warrior after Q's post?
I think people see how fucked up things are, but they haven't connected the dots to the culprits yet. When I see at least 50% of people NOT wearing masks in grocery stores, then I'll believe that people finally SEE. But right now, I'm the only rebel out there in my neck of the woods, and it's a pretty big neck. It's a pretty red area too. Yet people are still wearing their masks like good sheep, even in 85 degree days. Still brainwashed as far as I'm concerned.
I haven't looked at those comments, and I don't see a big awakening yet either. I do have a leftist niece that is beginning to see that something is wrong though. She finally stopped watching MSM, and she's not really buying the virus thing anymore. She's a nurse too, and even she says something's not right with what's being reported.
I can't believe more people can't see through this shit yet. The only reason these criminals want you to wear a mask is to keep you in perpetual fear, otherwise you'd most likely forget about COVID as quickly as you forget about the flu. They clearly can't have that though. They want people constantly reminded of this "horrible" virus.
The bottomless pit of hell is too good for these people.
Netflix will be no longer by next year at this time.
Exactly. And how do you keep COVID-19 relevant?
You make people wear masks.
This is all a big scam, essentially making people afraid of the flu.