And this my friends is how the Cabal was able to come to power, kidnap, rape, murder and eat the pineal glands out of 100's of thousands of children and babies.
Thanks for the history Anon. Yeh every federal agency has its roots in some misguided endeavor and ultimately proves itself the bane of the people.
The fire in TRUMP tower was a diversion for them to break in (w/warrants?) TRUMPS attorney and take massive amounts of information unrelated to the Scope of the Special Prosecutor.
They also committed murder(?) on a Citizen of the United States to perform this Immoral and Marginally Illegal Act.
Q promises swift action which means some special shadow action that never takes place but impresses us that he is actually doing something about it.
Love Q (no homo)
Q, what a load of crap. KILL that is our answer
Lawyers & Investigators that are dead, killed by Clintons / DNC that have been swept under the rug by the TRUMP DOJ?
What lawyer is going to take these cases?
Howabout Q standing over a pile of dead DNC Lawsuit lawyers, asking if any fine citizens want to hire lawyers want to help fight the DNC corruption of Social Media?
Theres your meme
Final Answer
Oh FUCK, I'm getting a contact high just listening to this ;-)
His numbers don't confirm lmao
It will work out, they have not had good luck getting people to roll on the Donald.
Check Flynn, he's the most dangerous guy. That will get tossed as will the rest.
No, I'm going to say Q is doing this because TRUMP DEMANDS IT.
TRUMP = Power to the People
Keeping us in the dark and feeding us SHIT like mushrooms was the Deep State MO
They better up their game