Anonymous ID: 9ce8c3 June 30, 2020, 6:37 p.m. No.9806864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6888 >>6954 >>6989 >>7195 >>7403 >>7528 >>7591

Deep State, Elites and Democrats are Pushing a ‘Color Revolution’ on the American People But the Target is American Freedom


Color Revolution is the term used to describe a series of remarkably effective CIA-led regime change operations using techniques developed by the RAND Corporation, “democracy” NGOs and other groups since the 1980’s. They were used in crude form to bring down the Polish communist regime in the late 1980s. From there the techniques were refined and used, along with heavy bribes, to topple the Gorbachev regime in the Soviet Union. For anyone who has studied those models closely, it is clear that the protests against police violence led by amorphous organizations with names like Black Lives Matter or Antifa are more than purely spontaneous moral outrage. Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are being used as a battering ram to not only topple a US President, but in the process, the very structures of the US Constitutional order.


From the Gateway Pundit. Full article is here:

Anonymous ID: 9ce8c3 June 30, 2020, 6:44 p.m. No.9806954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6997 >>7195 >>7403 >>7528 >>7591



Normies Live in Child-Like Denial Due to Congitive Dissonance


Cognitive dissonance is a term for the state of discomfort felt when two or more modes of thought contradict each other. The clashing cognitions may include ideas, beliefs, or the knowledge that one has behaved in a certain way.

Anonymous ID: 9ce8c3 June 30, 2020, 6:50 p.m. No.9807043   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Big Mike Prepares For Big Reveal as Prez 'Nomination'


Don't have time to try your sauce sweetheart, cause I'm waxing my balls.





Anonymous ID: 9ce8c3 June 30, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.9807107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7125 >>7195 >>7403 >>7528 >>7591

Take Aim Now: Name the Elites, Bankers and Financiers of 'The Revolution'


Elites and the 'ruling class' have always pushed this bullshit. None of the street rioting and looting chimps would be doing what we see today WITHOUT PAYMENT FOR SERVICES. Hell, many of them do not even have enough money to pay for gas to participate in several weeks worth of 'protests.'


This is entire 'revolution' is paid for by individuals, organizations and companies - history proves this time and time again. People form the fabric of these collectives. As such, name the individuals who fund this shit. The politicians are their whores, their names are known and easy to compile.


George Soros is not solely funding the entire thing, however he is a good whipping boy to blame as he is guilty of this tyranny. Same goes for the Rothschild group. There are others. NAME THEM NOW. EXPOSE THEM. Name the elites, financiers and all the money interest people who love to foment tyranny, yet appear not in the revolution theatrics and bloodshed.


NAME THEM. They can then be destroyed one way or another.


Fix hard targets and deliver upon them their due consequence.

Anonymous ID: 9ce8c3 June 30, 2020, 6:57 p.m. No.9807125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7195 >>7403 >>7528 >>7591



Name the Elite Financiers and Bankers


What are the names of elites/bankers/financiers affiliated with:


Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Majority shareholders Federal Reserve Bank of NY


International Monetary Foundation (IMF)

Trilateral Commission

Majority shareholders of World Bank

Davos tribe

World Economic Forum

Majority shareholders all major US Banks

RAND Corporation

Ford Foundation

Bill and Melinda Gates


The list goes on . . . name the tyrants that fund the ‘class and race' war going on now.


History proves it is them who rig this bullshit. So too it will end with their demise.

Anonymous ID: 9ce8c3 June 30, 2020, 6:59 p.m. No.9807161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7169 >>7180 >>7195 >>7204 >>7403 >>7528 >>7591

Candace Owens: Democrat Party manipulates Blacks to be Racist


'Let me tell you why the black vote is the easiest vote for the Democrats to keep for the last 60 years, all they have to do to get our vote is, the Democrats have figured black America is emotionally responsive to the word racism you hear racism and you jump up and start cheering'.


Watch the full clip here:

Anonymous ID: 9ce8c3 June 30, 2020, 7 p.m. No.9807169   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Leonard Rroy: Black Lives Matters SUCKS


A black man speaking truth about black racism and racists. FUCK BLM black Nazis.


Original link here:

Anonymous ID: 9ce8c3 June 30, 2020, 7:01 p.m. No.9807180   🗄️.is 🔗kun



BLM ‘Rally’ in Raleigh, NC without black people


The fraud of the Democratic Party, the originators of the KKK and slavery in America, is becoming blindingly obvious to blacks in America. Black Lives Matter is a political operative of the slave masters - the DNC.


Get off the plantation for ever black Americans!