Anonymous ID: 000000 June 30, 2020, 9:09 p.m. No.9808424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8466 >>8564

>>9808394 lb

Didn't get a chance, I just popped in very late in the bread, and was trying to help out homeless anon. I've been there, it's brutal. I forgot the niceties because I was remembering what it was like and must be like for that homeless anon, I'm sorry. I will make more effort from now on.

Anonymous ID: 000000 June 30, 2020, 9:28 p.m. No.9808556   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Wish the world wasn’t so full of scumbags.

Me, too. But what we can each do is not be a scumbag, that lowers the numbers by 1 each time.

I agree with everything you said. I think that's why helping people when we can is very important - it shows that person that not everyone is a scumbag, not everyone only does something nice if they are going to get something in return. Just doing something nice or kind because you can and the other person needs it is a very powerful message to the people you describe. They don't believe you at first but when you really don't want anything in return, it's a turning point for them. They have a new baseline - 'not everyone is a scumbag who is out to use, abuse or harm me for the hell of it.'

That's the way I think of it anyway.