The satanists use 'sex magic' a lot. It's definitely referred to in ancient hieroglyphs too. Is all sex outside of the loving procreative act sinful? Or do satanists just corrupt something that could be spiritually beautiful (even if non-procreative)?
And Haiti, not so coincidentally, was one of the very major hot-zones for the initial outbreak of the AIDS pandemic back in the late 70's / early 80s. Seems like AIDS is connected. AIDS created millions of orphans. Their parents were probably given AIDS in vaccines in order to orphan the children for trafficking.
"Originally people believed that only certain people were at risk for HIV. Media named them the “four-H club”:
hemophiliacs, who received contaminated blood transfusions
homosexual men, who reported higher incidences of the disease
heroin users, and people who used drugs via injection
Pic is surely early propaganda to sell the lie.