>>9808950 lb
Yeah, I went through that in college. Never turned back really.
>>9809111 lb
Tell it to LAIM I YAM newfaggot. Mr. Cat sucks bigly, what a fucking waste of bread.
>>9809164 lb
Theyre called friendship bracelets. Kinda faggy imo.
Q only has Epstein on the scoreboard, and look how that turned out. Not good.
Fox has been spiraling downward ever since they had to fire OReilly.
Fire this vaccine shill.
Yeah. Lifetime Government Employee. Fucking useless.
Trump should get a refund of his entire fee from Tulsa.
The biggest lie is that satan isnt real.
#1, #2 have resulted in nothing. Epstein is the only Q name arrested to date period
I've been making money off the fake-ass vaccine stocks. There aint gonna be no vaccine, just vaccine stocks.
Of course, meditation is fantastic but only if Jesus is your companion. There are many spirits in the astral world, not all of them are good. You need the protection of Jesus to travel safely in the spiritual world.
When /they/ all started saying "We cant open up until there's a vaccine," I knew those sticks would fly. There are so many, it's hard to pick 'em, but I've had a couple.
Yes, however, Q didnt cover NXIVM until it was public news, Q was more like a reporter than a predictor. Q did not predict the NXIVM arrests. Epstein is the only Q name arrested.
Wake the fuck up. Epstein is the onyl arrest Q predicted ffs. Is that too goddamned simple for you to grasp?
You dont know what youre talking about, obviously. Dont reply again. I dont waste time on the ignorant.
Laura was saying Creepy should pick Fraudci as VP kek.
Real sheep.
Muh corona is only the second biggest piecve of fuckery we've experienced in the past 20 years. 1.9/11 2. Muh corona 3. Vegas. Rough take.
Pig is shit, no doubt. Worst memes we've seen. I guess his mom thinks theyre cute.
The left wants to dumb everybody down to nigger level. No thanks.
My kid is in college. All theyve gotten to read through hs and college are stories of victimhood of blacks jews, Indians et al. Very little of the good old stuff like Twain, Faulkner, Steinbeck and Fitzgerald, you know, LITERATURE.
Yeah, 2-year old social media posts about Q are just embarrassing. None of it happened. Even DWS is still around, crooked bitch.
Trump's DOJ simply hasnt done its job against the deep state.
Pig is shit, no doubt.
I use the name of Jesus to anything I dont understand. Many times, they just disappear. Only good spirits will be around Jesus.
100 correct. Cat is just a stupid waste of bread like Finkelsteinfag. I just filter now, cant be bothered to drive it off the board.
Just entering Phase I. There aint gonna be no vaccine, just many vaccine stocks to buy low, sell high.
Trump has solid support from the orthodox jews.
Dementia patients become angry because they cant control their thoughts. Creepy has been suffering dementia for at least a year, and it only gets worse, it never gets better. he'll be drooling mess soon, if he isnt already. We wouldnt know, since he is concealed 95% of the time and usually only taped the other 5%.
I do what I think of as "emptying out all my thoughts." George Harrison has a great song about it which I sometimes use as a meditation aid. Let It Down. This nuggest spent 40 years in the vault.
Nobody can make money like that. I spent several minutes waiting outsude a kinko's today because there were already 5 people inside! Usually there are 15+ customers in there. And the restaurants are outdoor dining only, so only a small part of capacity. What kind of govt fuckery is this?!?!? TOTALLY UNAMERICAN.
She attempting a Stormy, taking money for silence, then talking. Not good for her.
Just because youre a rube doesnt mean kids have to be rubes. I'll guess you havent raised any kids, like most people who give advice about child-rearing.
How about the long-term pollution caused by these non-biodegradable objects we now see laying around everywhere?
Masks are for when youre sick or around sick people period
Just rt only libtards and you wont get banned.
I kept Potter away from my kids, so they never really got exposed to it in a serious way.
My teen tells me that the young protestors are awake as to the fact that Soetero did nothing for blacks or anybody and when I told her i had to listen to Moochelle described as a "beautiful woman" while Melania is ignored by all the fashion mags, she just laughed and said, "Michelle Obama is super ugly." kids kek
Is that you, Tanzinequah?
No sauce for Stain or Bush Sr. Just speculation.
"We cant safely open until there is a vaccine." Fuck off, vaccine shills. Just more and more dumbing down.
Trump should demand a refund and get it.